Forum Discussion

kato77's avatar
New Spectator
6 years ago

Galactic Republic zetas

For the Padme/GR crowd out there, what zetas are mandatory in a GR squad and which are more nice to have? I have Padmes both zetas and Ahsoka’s and contemplating if I should be giving Anakin or GK theirs as well. If you have them, are they worth it and which one is best?

I also have Barriss’ zeta but she is only a place holder until they release some new shiny toon (or rework Mace Windu again).

  • I've never had any issues fighting both gg teams with mine. The suicide squad and the regular separatists one. The separatist one feeds bonus protection because of all attacks out of turn by b1. They were at g12 when I was doing this as well.
  • kato77's avatar
    New Spectator
    Hmm so might have to do both then? Thanks for input!
  • kato77's avatar
    New Spectator
    "CCyrilS;c-1925314" wrote:
    To be competitive you need them all. I have all of them, and if there were more I'd get those too.

    It’s not for arena purpose though, I just want to see where i can get most bang for the bucks to make all teams as good as possible for GA (and TW). But sounds like I will have to invest in zetas for JKA and GK, it is a really fun team to use anyway so not wasted resources in anyway.
  • "AnnerDoon;c-1927114" wrote:
    If an ally has their protection up smacked down, there’s a good chance they’ve been crit, and GK will taunt anyway (assuming he’s not buff blocked, in which case it won’t matter). So, I don’t see much value in his zeta.

    Am I missing something?

    They can't get crit when they have protection up, so no. His zeta is needed.
  • "VonZant;c-1927255" wrote:
    "AnnerDoon;c-1927114" wrote:
    If an ally has their protection up smacked down, there’s a good chance they’ve been crit, and GK will taunt anyway (assuming he’s not buff blocked, in which case it won’t matter). So, I don’t see much value in his zeta.

    Am I missing something?

    They can't get crit when they have protection up, so no. His zeta is needed.

  • If your facing a JKR squad or any buff heavy squad, Ashoka's zeta is very useful. She's constantly dispelling all of the buffs with her basic attack.
  • Anyone know how does she do against GG? My team is g9-11 right now and it can hit above its weight, but I havent tried a g12 GG team yet. I'm running PA JKA Snips 3p0 and Clone Chewie in GA. (I have g12 GK zetaed but can't bring myself to take him off of Revan team for GA).