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hamnier's avatar
8 years ago

Galactic War Guide

This Guide Benefites Whom:

This guide is for anyone who has not yet cleared the 50 wins to be able to sim it! It is geared a bit more towards higher leveled players (as I assume you will be a bit higher before you can start simming), but I include notes for lower levels as well.

My Qualifications:

I have been a player since early 2016, and I play almost every day (aside from a year hiatus for family stuff). I have completed GW every day since late March of that year except for 1 or 2 times each month. This guide has my tried and proven strategy, which has survived multiple updates, rehashes on how the difficulty is measured, and even jumping back in with old teams into a new pool of power creeped toons.


The way the difficulty of the Galactic War is determined evolves as the game does. There are many factors that go into it including who you fight in the PvP arena and your level. Dropping really low in the arena won’t make the GW super easy, nor will going to level 85 make it extremely hard, because there are many factors which go into it.

When it comes to Galactic War, there is no real “dream team” that you want to aim for. I have a few teams that I have specifically developed for the various parts of the game, but I will try to talk more generically in this guide, talking about what a character or team can do rather than the characters themselves (ie. a fast attacker rather than Initiate or Ahsoka). That said, some of the meta teams these days definitely have the potential for sweeping all 12 nodes, but by the time you get one of those teams, you should already be able to sim.

My strategy assumes a player will reset as many times as is needed to get the most desired result. These days it typically only takes me at most 30 minutes to finish GW (when I don't sim), but it could take an hour or two if you are still putting together some good teams.

Now lets get you those 50 wins!
  • "knightmike;731366" wrote:
    Thanks for the advice! 3 teams. Why didn't I think of that? I've been doing it wrong this whole time. I've just been using my arena team AKA my only team. Next you'll be telling me making a million dollars is easy. I just need to invest 3 million. SMH

    Lol, no need for sarcasm. Besides, if you're talking about in game, then yes, making a million is easy. ;)

    I think I should emphasize this a bit more at the beggining, but one of your stronger teams should be a scoundrel team. My scoundrel team isn't amazing, mearly good enough to scrape wins from the 4th tier of the hiests, which gets on average 5 mil and a nice handful of 6* and 7* training droids.

    The thing is, (imho) GW should really come before Arena. Having a good rank in the arena is nice, and gets you a decent haul of crystals and those unique character shards, but GW gets you a handful of crystals, its unique characters, AND a handful of ability materials and 500+ credits. If you focus a little less on that single team, you could more easily build up one or two additional teams. Those teams plus the army of weaker characters you don't focus on will carry you to victory in GW. Then with those spoils you can strengthen you strongest team to earn your place in the arena.
  • Hey! I realized it's been a while since this was made, so I went through and updated it!
  • Unfortunately the guide needs to be dramatically updated. When it was done I don't even know if there was a possibility to simulate GW. That value in node 12 wins has fallen from 150 to 50. When you go from 50 full wins, you push the simulation button and GW ready every day you don't want to test.

    Main recommended team is the beginner phoenix in the early farm guides and this should be put. the other possible alternate starting teams (and lower starting team choices, for various reasons for F2P), both have recovery of protection and life, but only with Leader Zeta skills.

    Another farm that is recommended as soon as possible is Bastila Shan who is the second best Jedi leader, plus the obvious sync with the Phoenix Jedi for extra protection and more turn gauge by the leader if you take them all down before raising. of overturned protection, you don't need to focus on healing, giving GW great viability. Obviously she is just an available character of level 49+ under F2P conditions.

    Another team that solves is the imperial troopers, especially if you have 5 troopers, one being Snow and the veers zeta, is virtually a chance to make the war virtually all automatic since at least you will have 75% turn. for all your characters and 90% for snow. Chance of your enemies to act and if they have counter attack. Troopers are a super viable team if you get to farm if you are in a real guild. This strategy still works without veers zeta but its efficiency is not so certain as part of this turn gain is chance.

    Another obvious tip is to use the first two battles with different teams so that they both have their turn meters loaded.

    Anyway congratulations for the initiative.
  • I think you mean,

    Get one OP team (Cls. Traya. Padme. Jkr. DR. Gg)

    And hit autooo
  • Bossk led bounty hunters can clear the who look e thing since he fills health and protection. I use him, the Fetts, Cad Bane and Greedo. Those last two are nice for purging enemy buffs, like a Bastills/GMY team.
  • I'm sad to say my GW actually got easier over the time =\ even 12th node is g11 or below
  • "camper288;c-1951291" wrote:
    (Update about siming and a few key teams)

    "SemiGod;c-1951351" wrote:
    I think you mean,

    Get one OP team (Cls. Traya. Padme. Jkr. DR. Gg)

    And hit autooo

    Thank you! I should add the part about now it can be sim'd, and I will definitely adjust suggesting to get phoenix first, since they are universally good to get up and running early.

    As for everything else (and to everyone else) this guide is now for people to build up to those 50 wins. Which also means this guide is typically for people who don't yet have teams that can auto all 12.

    Thank you for pointing this out, I will be clarifying it shortly