Forum Discussion

xx1xx2xx1xx's avatar
6 years ago


I understand gg want Her Cash, but this ship itd tu... mistake. Nie you not need farm biggsa, just you but it nad itd done. To beat this idiota need total change fleet. Change this. In my shard 1 guy stary in 1 place mogÄ™ thab 10 days nad no 1.van beat him
  • That's a lot of typos dude. Makes it kinda hard to read.

    Yes, Hounds Tooth is OP, makes Biggs obsolete and requires specific counters.
  • I mean, to beat ht need total change fleet, and even this dont gave chance to beat him. Most interested is why my vader 173 speed, atack after enemy tarkin who's has 172. So I cant put ability block.
    They change fleet and it's fine, but this ship its total destroy playing.
  • I'm with you man, it's too much ->
  • Read this long time ago, wondering only how tie use buff imunity if enemy tarkin use ability block to my ships. Its fu closed ring.

    Wondering what next, I dont think in arena cr great hero who you cant beat, but in fleet any tactics doesn't work.
  • Biggs is not obsolete

    He starts with x1 and hound

    He covers vader until hounds taunt is up. Having vader out for the whole match is a huge advantage
  • No, you not understand. When you hit 1 Time , later tarkin use ability block and itf cant use his special.
    I k ow tactics with ht, biggs and vader, but in second round you cant do nothing couse most unisys has ability block.