Forum Discussion

Azarka123's avatar
9 years ago

Nightsister viable??

Morning guy quick question, I've been running a jedi/clone team for quite a while now and doing quite well. But I'm thinking of starting up a new team in the background, I'm thinking nightsisters would be interesting and fun plus you don't see too many of them. Is this through person preference or is a full nightsister team just not a viable squad?? Open to opinions, cheers
  • Nightsisters are awful, I abandoned mine. I built droids. I went from struggling to crack to 100 in arena, to consistent top 20. They have never had an event, are not in any mod challenges, and are a waste of resources to develop. Mine are level 80., Assaj, Daka, and initiate are gear 9, and I only use initiate in my DoT team. The other sisters get fed to rancor to reset the door switch.
  • scuba75's avatar
    Seasoned Rookie
    "DjangoQuik;593011" wrote:
    Nightsisters' main problem is the speed. Apart from Daka, they are slow as turds sliding down a wall. Even with Asaaj's speed bonus, she only barely breaks 100 speed! Even with amazing speed mods you might just get her to over 150.

    Initiate I regularly go up against a maxed one in top 30 of my arena shard and she can hit really hard (10k+) and the buff-block can be great against RG reliant teams. Acolyte really doesn't have much in redeeming features at all.

    On defense the whole lot are just awful. Watch Asaaj use her dispel to heal and only ever AOE when someone is nearly dead. Watch Talia use her heal to bring her own health dangerously low. Initiate will waste her buff block on people who either get insignificant buffs or no buffs at all!

    My Asajj is 126 speed with her leader bouns and no mods.

    I will see about modding up my NS team and throwing them in arena see how they do.
  • As a team, I wouldn't bother with them to a serious degree.

    Having lucked into a bunch of her shards, I did bump NSI up to 7*/80/GL 8. She takes a pretty considerable beating, her ability block is fairly useful (50%, haven't omega'd it to 65%) if slow on the cooldown, and she hits reasonably hard for a 'normal' (read: non-Rey style "hits for ____-you levels of damage") character.

    The lack of particularly powerful (read: broken) abilities or synergy makes her an addendum to some of my squads. She can last in the GW for a good while when I'm just clearing out the chaff, but doesn't hit hard enough to really dent the big dogs (RG, I'm looking at you), nor actually tough enough to survive more than a love tap from a GW buffed Rey.

    Haven't seem them in a while, but I did face some Dooku/Daka/RG/Rey teams that were just absurd, but that was a while back, the meta or GW formula seems to have shifted a bit since then. Her double stun was/is one of the most obnoxious in the game. I think a few had Phasma in there too, and the right explosion of bonus attacks led to having 3+ characters stunned at once more than a few times.