Forum Discussion

WrathofCaedus's avatar
8 years ago

Please rethink the credit needs of the game for Credit HEIST

Thanks for not even enough to level 2 toons from 75 to 85... this event is pure aggravation given the actual needs a lot of us have. I'm sure the gate is gonna flow strong after I post this but the fact is EA knows exactly what it is doing with this event. Giving the bare minimum so they don't lose a ton of free players, which would then cause paying players to leave, because the credit needs have grown exponentially. Given the credit needs in these days of mods (5* of course, 600k each x 5 per team x minimum of 3 teams, preferable to have 5 or 6 teams. That's 9 to 18 million just for mods, and doesn't take into account credits wasting upgrading mods to 12 just to see stats are garbage) Then there's leveling those teams of 5, not sure is current number but about 12 million per toon, plus cost to equip gear or move mods around. Let's call it 12.5 per toon x 5 is another 62.5 per team. Then the cost of getting each toon to 7*, 1.9 million or so per toon? That's 9.5 per team. Minimum 3 teams these days. There's 28.5 million.

Let's say my numbers are high, prob are, so I simplified and rounded down.

Cost of modding 3 teams w 5* mods roughly;
8.5 million credits.
Cost of leveling 3 teams to 85, again roughly;
180 million credits.
Cost of getting all 3 teams to 7*, roughly;
28.5 million credits.

Roughly 217 million credits needed just for 3 teams. And there are numerous other little functions like gearing characters that also cost credits.

Between this and the gear wall it's overwhelming a lot of players. I'm just asking for someone to take a look at the credits needs of today vs last year and rethink this event. I've stopped trying to even get new toons simply because there's no point when I can't level gear or mod them. That's money lost as I'm sure it's not only me. Also the cost in crystals to buy credits is laughable. Basically 600 crystals to max level 1 5* mod. Someone needs to take a look at this issue as the game and it's needs have changed a lot in the last 8 months.