Forum Discussion

pReaL420x's avatar
8 years ago

Power rating

Easy fix...make speed worth more. As it stands lower power usually equals super fast...70k power just smoked my 87k power...all because of speed...
  • crzydroid's avatar
    Seasoned Traveler
    The only thing they got right about the new power ratings is giving more power for zetas...but even then, it won't account for a leader zeta being in a non-leader spot.

    My level 1, gear 1 Raid Han is more power than my level 55, g7 Kanan with level 4 abilities and some mods, just because he has more stars. His actual stats are nowhere near Kanan's and would get smoked by him. Why is a level 1 g1 higher in powet than any worked on toon? The new rating is just as useless as the old.