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Nonemo138's avatar
9 years ago

[VIDEO] (updated) Ima-Gun Di team takes on three meta teams (Dooku and 2x QGJ)

Battle #1

Many would agree that pairing Dooku off with Foresight capable characters like Yoda and Rey is a good idea, bordering on cheating. Auto dodge and offense up for these extremely powerful heroes is presently a straightforward and winning strategy.

For a Jedi team, Dooku means additional trouble since his Force lightning is almost a guaranteed stun. Add the dodge machine Sidious to that team, and you have a dangerous team indeed.

At least, in theory. In reality, the fight is much more even than you'd think.

EDIT: Battle #2

Qui-Gon Jinn led team with Yoda, GS, Lumi and RG. Hard to take down due to both the best tank in the game and a durable healer with good damage. Didn't know what to expect when I went into this one. Turns out, counter attacks are the shizzle. And "different" team compositions can still be highly competitive.

Battle #3

Just faced off against a slightly stronger QGJ team: QGJ/Rey/GS/Yoda/RG. Didn't plan to publish it but I was so happy with how the battle turned out, I thought why not.

Pardon for the distracting notifications showing up in this video. Didn't disable Line while recording. Still, good battle.
  • I really want to see someone with a leveled up Ima with Ayala Kit and pretty much any two Jedis. With ayala and kit already having counter and then getting a bonus from Ima it just feels as if it would be killer.
  • "Duckoo;246649" wrote:
    I really want to see someone with a leveled up Ima with Ayala Kit and pretty much any two Jedis. With ayala and kit already having counter and then getting a bonus from Ima it just feels as if it would be killer.

    I could add Kit, but he doesn't deserve a spot. Too weak. And his skill set doesn't do much for this team. Aayla otoh... :)
  • Battle 1 was so dependent on good luck, with all the resists at the most strategic time. If Dooku managed to stun anyone early game, the outcome would have been so different.
  • "Hyperalloy;247294" wrote:
    Battle 1 was so dependent on good luck, with all the resists at the most strategic time. If Dooku managed to stun anyone early game, the outcome would have been so different.

    One stun is one attack down. That battle was won by much more than that. Also, do count all the times RNG didn't favor my team there. I think all in all it was a rather fair fight.
  • "Nonemo;244990" wrote:
    "Quim;244965" wrote:
    "Nonemo;244929" wrote:
    "Quim;244906" wrote:
    "Nonemo;244841" wrote:
    "Quim;244817" wrote:
    Nice to see, thanks for the videos, but I think is not a very good team in the defense, to defend the rank, because if I have GS I can kill your QGJ at the beginning and then kill Yoda with IG-86, so is better use QGJ as leader, but to get the rank is funny use IGD as leader, takes a lot of time win the enemy teams, and against some teams, as a droid team (Poggle, GS, 86, 88 and Poe) would be easy lose, but with QGJ as leader is a nice team also to defend the rank, but then maybe is better Mace Windu than IGD.

    Yep, I think you'll beat my team on offense and I'll beat your team on offense. It's probably because we're both smarter than the AI :)

    I honestly don't think there is an easy way to hold rank. Nowadays any player can see your team and adapt to it. If they have a stable to choose from and want your rank, they're likely to get it. That's simply the way the Arena is designed.

    "Nonemo;244841" wrote:
    "Quim;244817" wrote:
    Nice to see, thanks for the videos, but I think is not a very good team in the defense, to defend the rank, because if I have GS I can kill your QGJ at the beginning and then kill Yoda with IG-86, so is better use QGJ as leader, but to get the rank is funny use IGD as leader, takes a lot of time win the enemy teams, and against some teams, as a droid team (Poggle, GS, 86, 88 and Poe) would be easy lose, but with QGJ as leader is a nice team also to defend the rank, but then maybe is better Mace Windu than IGD.

    Yep, I think you'll beat my team on offense and I'll beat your team on offense. It's probably because we're both smarter than the AI :)

    I honestly don't think there is an easy way to hold rank. Nowadays any player can see your team and adapt to it. If they have a stable to choose from and want your rank, they're likely to get it. That's simply the way the Arena is designed.

    Yes, but defend the rank don't means be the rank 1 all the day, because it is impossible because of the AI random attacks, defend the rank means mantain the TOP 15 at least, if you use a team and you get the rank 1, but 22 hours later you are 30th or 40th in the rank, it means that is not a good team in the defense. So a team with IGD as leader is not very good to mantain the TOP 15-20 all the day, but is funny and efective to get the rank, then in the last battle use a better team in the defense. For example, I play with Poggle (L), GS, IG-86, RP and RG to get the rank, but to defend the rank I prefer Poggle (L), GS, IG-86, Poe and Kylo Ren, are different teams depending if you are fighting to get the rank or if you are offline and defending the rank. A lot of people use the same team in the offense and defense, but it's better think in both things.

    I could do that, definitely. I dropped to rank 40 tonight. Otoh I think the big reason why isn't because this team is THAT much worse than others on the defense. I certainly have no problems taking out other teams on their defense, after all. It's not hard for anybody to win on offense vs an AI that doesn't even focus its attacks.

    No, the reason why this team drops a lot is because it gets focused down by other players. People attack those who look different and not "intimidating". Doesn't mean that the team is objectively worse on defense than any others.

    Sometimes I use a very different team in my server, that is Poe and RG in the same team, nobody is using this team, but from the first day I'm only losing 15 positions in the rank with this team, and sometimes only 10 positions.

    The last night I checked use RP and RG, without Poe and Kylo, and I lost 32 positions in the first 16 hours, when in the last 6 weeks I am always in the TOP 15-20 before get the rank 1, so there are some teams that are bad to maintain the TOP 15-20, and this jedi team is bad to maintain the rank, because is easy kill one character with Geonosian Soldier just in the beginning, and if I have Poe only Yoda will play first, so then I can kill your Luminara with IG-86, for example, and also for example my RP, my IG-88 or my QGJ would be faster than your IGD and than your Ahsoka, also maybe my QGJ + assist kill your Ahsoka, for example, so then you only have Yoda and IGD. Is mathematic, you need more speed to defend the rank, so to defend the rank you can use QGJ as leader and replace IGD by GS, for example.

    While I appreciate the effort you're putting into this explanation, I'm not really sure what this proves, since I can do exactly the same write-up of how my team destroys yours when yours is controlled by the AI.

    IG-86 and 88 plus Poe and RG really aren't scary at all. Yoda turn meter reduces Poe, then Ima-Gun Di one-shots 88, QGJ can likely do the same to 86 since there are no weak assists in my team. QGJ could also remove Poe's taunt and Ahsoka will either heal up the team or finish one of your toons.

    So what does any of this prove?

    That yoda is meta :P Your Ima Gundi team could have performed the same, if not better, with Mace windu lead. The counter attacks that i've seen, played minimal role in team victory. GQJ offence / buff remove + yoda turn meter reduction is the key to victory.
    A solid counter team would be Ima lead, with Kit Fisto, Ayla, Dooku and fives in it. Your team was more of a meta team (Ahsoka, GQJ, Yoda) with another leader :P

    Plus a video i just found (Bariss eww)
  • Now that my Anakin is done I've finally gotten my IGD farming in gear, 60/80 to unlock. LOL. Maybe Saturday I'll have him with a little luck. Ultimately Aayla is like a Unicorn and I'd love to have her at 7-stars with an IGD team. I have the 6-star Kit but his main attack is underwhelming and his bonus attack triggering is far too low. If he was more like Dooku I'd be all over it but it's not. My ideal team I think would be, IGD(L), Yoda, QGJ, Aayla, & Lumi. I'd probably roll with Anakin until I magically get a 7-star Aayla. His Smite ability really gets things moving along and the counters could help set him up even more for it. Yoda and QGJ have too much utility to remove and their damage isn't bad either, Lumi has some utility as well plus a decent heal and not to mention he basic hits pretty hard. What really need is a tank with a taunt.