An issue with the punishing one's unique
The skill
At the start of battle or when reinforced, Punishing One gains 3 Speed per Bounty Hunter ally and 6 Speed per Light Side enemy (including Capital ships). Whenever Punishing One is called to assist by a Bounty Hunter ally, if the enemy had Buff Immunity or Marked, Stun them for 1 turn, which can't be resisted. Whenever an enemy attacks out of turn, reduce the cooldown of Wanted: Dead by 1 (tripled if the enemy is Light Side). Whenever an enemy attacks Punishing One out of turn, it recovers 10% Health and Protection. At the start of battle, if Punishing One is deployed and all allies are Bounty Hunters (excluding the Capital Ship):
- Enemy Imperial TIE Fighter ships lose 200% Critical Chance and Evasion for the rest of the encounter
- The ally Empire Capital Ship gains 5 Speed
- Ally Bounty Hunter Attackers gain 100% bonus Protection for 1 turn
- Punishing One dispels all debuffs on itself and ignores Taunt effects on its first turn
At the start of the enemy Capital Ship's turn, all enemies lose 100% Critical Damage until the end of the turn. Whenever an enemy gains Stealth, dispel it, inflict Breach on themselves for 1 turn, which can't be resisted, and Punishing One Stealths for 1 turn.
While Punishing One is active, Breached enemies have -25% Health and Protection recovery. Enemies with Deathmark can't recover Health and Protection, and whenever an enemy with Deathmark is defeated, ally Bounty Hunters gain 100% Defense for 1 turn and recover 100% Protection.
The issue is it starts out
At the start of battle or when reinforced, skip ahead to Whenever an enemy attacks out of turn, reduce the cooldown of Wanted: Dead by 1 (tripled if the enemy is Light Side). Whenever an enemy attacks Punishing One out of turn, it recovers 10% Health and Protection.
When I reinforce with the punishing one and they attack out of turn it doesnt reduce the cooldown of wanted: dead....
Another issue is the stealth skill...
Whenever an enemy gains Stealth, dispel it, inflict Breach on themselves for 1 turn, which can't be resisted, and Punishing One Stealths for 1 turn.
It creates a weird loop sometimes i get stealth most the time the enemy does and sometimes xander blood still has stealth as well... It's just weird... And it sets them up to straight from the start to target a breached punishing one which inflicts marked target lock and the chain for a quick death... The point im trying to make is I don't think it should go to me then right back to them it makes my punishing one vulnerable and thiers stealthed...
Doubt anything would change but it does need to be addressed i think... Because what or who or how is the order of that... it doesnt go by speed...