Belgian players being screwed over
Hello all (and hopefully also CG),
For over a year now, us Belgian players have been at a disadvantage due to 'anti gambling laws'. At first daily webstore chests didnt appear anymore, then all sorts of things such as a character packs, ... Pretty much anything that involves chance is considered gambling and is removed in game in Belgium (without CG letting anybody know btw, we players just had to figure it out ourselves).
For a few months, a VPN worked as a workaround and thus, while inconvenient, we still could acces everything we needed. However, since a few months, VPNs do NOT work anymore for a few things. Character packs still appear, but the biggest blow is Relic material packs (for 500 crystals) not showing up anymore. I am sure a LOT of players relied on these heavily for Relic mats such as CCBs.
It's really frustrating because this is simply a disadvantage that we can do nothing about. I know CG is just complying with Belgian laws, but they never communicated anything and it's just really annoying.
If ANY workaround is possible, please let me and the community know. Even a "non-gambling" alternative to the packs like a guaranteed drop (with the original packs still giving a chance at better value) would go such a long way.
I really hope someone can do something about this because a lot of our accounts are being hurt by this massively.
Kind regards,