Forum Discussion

LeoRex228's avatar
Seasoned Newcomer
18 days ago

Executrix Fleet Mastery Event Bugged

My Executrix Capital ship is only 6-Star, but I cannot access the Fleet Mastery Event. Could anybody help me on this matter? My ID: 257972143


  • I can’t get into the Finalizer Bonus tier even though I have a 7 star Finalizer.  I just unlocked it today but I still should get to do the bonus tier. 

  • I am in the same state. Cannot access the executrix fleet event even though I’m at 80 of 100 shards. Ally code is 775-716-998. Please unlock

  • I have the issue of not being able to do the bonus teirs for 3 of my ships. Been a few days of me staring at it lol hopefully we get some rewards similar to what we would have gotten if we were able to access it.