Items in store not appearing when looking at gear
Product: Star Wars: Galaxy of Heroes
Platform:Apple iPhone
What type of device are you experiencing the issue with? iPhone
OS Version 13
Ally Code: (Find it here: ) 746288446
What type of issue do you have? Gameplay
How often does the bug occur? Every time (100%)
Summarize your bug When you go to "find" a certain item of gear, some gear doesnt show up if its available in store. When I select "Find", it does not pull the guild event store up even though that gear has not yet been purchased.
Steps: How can we find the bug ourselves? If you have a G9 FO Officer. You can check if that gear is in your guild event store
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Please select your region North America
When you go to "find" a certain item of gear, some gear doesnt show up if its available in store. For example: First Order Officer requires 20 Mk 3 Sienar Holo Projector Salvage. There are currently some available in the guild event store. When I select "Find", it does not pull the guild event store up even though that gear has not yet been purchased.
- @carsonTR Hi there, I figured out what's the issue. It's not that the "Find" function doesn't find the gear needed by the character in the Store, because it does find it.
The issue is with another bug we flagged after TU17 release which has to do with the order in which items are displayed. This is most noticeable in the Daily Activities screen, when you still have dailies to complete but the "Finish all Daily Activies" quest can appear on top of the list or when searching for items through the "Find" function it can be that you need to scroll left to see all the list of possible locations.
To summarize, when you were searching for the Mk3 Sienar Holo Projector for First Order Officer at gear 9, the item was listed in the possible locations where you could get it, but you just had to scroll to the left to see it in Weekly Shipment (which was right before the Bronzium Data Card).
This a simple display issue, but it can lead to such confusion.
Apologies for the inconvenience while we are working on a way to address this issue and remember to scroll to the left to see all the list of possible locations where you can get a certain item when using the "Find" function.
Thank you.