Lightspeed Bundle Charged Twice & Disappears After Failed Purchase
I have attempted to purchase the Jawa LSB twice. During the first time, the money was subtracted successfully from my card but it said otherwise in game. I have tried to contact EA support if I could have a refund and no helpful response was made. Then hours later, I got a “Thank You for Your Purchase” email from EA saying that I have successfully bought the bundle and it could be claimed in the mail. However, it was only crystals as I opened that “bundle” in my mail. Which then I had to purchase that again via web store.
Also earlier, I have tried to purchase the Hutt LSB but it was not successfully purchased, and no money was taken from my card. Then the bundle disappeared from my store. Also, I have tried to contact EA support and also have not received any helpful response.
I have attached three pictures that shows my current situation. IMG_8846 shows my earlier purchase of the Jawa LSB and IMG_8844 shows my later purchase. IMG_8874 shows my store page after the fail purchase of the Hutt LSB.
My ally code is 476-614-846
For refunds, please create a ticket to EA Help within the game. If you are still missing a bundle, feel free to PM me.