3 hours ago
Lost all 5 of the DS Rey summon techs
Yesterday when I got the DS Rey summon I put all 5 techs in the queue and today I did one battle with it but when I looked at what was equipped it got rid of all 5 techs, I do not have a picture of the before because I didn't expect it to use all 5 for 1 battle. I used my Android phone for this battle Below is all I have right now. Edit: It did the same thing with my medpacs and boosters, this time it was on my PC. It seems like if more than one of the same item is queued up it uses all of the items you queued up. In past seasons I was able to queue up 2 boosters and/or medpacs for the next 2 battles and it didn't use both the ones I queued in the same battle.