Forum Discussion

9a5735455f8615d1's avatar
Seasoned Novice
17 days ago

Missing BB8 LSB

BB8 LSB not coming through. I received nothing instead of the characters I paid for. This was my second and probably last time I buy something for this game if the problems don’t get fixed. I am trying to be calm about this but I don’t want to have wasted money for nothing. I have no option to purchase it anywhere else either. The image bellow shows that for both the ingame store and webstore. My ally code is 916-387-844. Please fix.

  • I also attempted to buy this same bundle. I got 1250 crystals instead. Hopefully we are both rightfully compensated, or I will be very hesitant giving my money to this company in the future.

    • 9a5735455f8615d1's avatar
      Seasoned Novice

      I posted this problem a few days ago and I have not gotten an answer from anyone but I am trying to be positive

  • I am just getting an error message before I can even try to pay for both the BB8 and R2 LSB’s. I went through the entire web store to see if any other packs gave me the same error but they seemed to be working fine and I was able to get to the enter card info screen.

    • 9a5735455f8615d1's avatar
      Seasoned Novice

      I see it in the gifting options but nowhere else anymore. I really hope this gets fixed because if I don’t get the heroes and wasted ten bucks, I will be understandably angry.

  • This is my one last defeats aye to at getting this LSB back. I purchased this BB8 Light Speed Bundle on Wednesday November 20th at around 10:18 A.M. and instead of the characters I got nothing. The image below has proof of buying it. I blacked out my name because that is personal.