Forum Discussion

cocopuff_denki's avatar
Seasoned Newcomer
3 days ago

Secrets and Shadows Bug with Great Mothers

The behavior on the last stage of Challenge Tier 1 and Challenge Tier 2 is inconsistent.

Challenge Tier 1:  Great Mothers use Fate Weaving on Darth Nihilus the Darth Nihilus uses Annihilate on Morgan Elsbeth which prevents being able to 3 star the Tier.

Challenge Tier 2: Great Mothers use Fate Weaving on Darth Nihilus then Great Mothers Gift of Shadows on Morgan Elsbeth protecting her from instant defeat when Darth Nihilus uses Annihilate. This allows for a 3 star outcome. 

The behavior in Challenge Tier 2 is obviously preferable for players because getting 3 stars allows simming of future events. Please investigate and advise. 

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