SLKR event complete, however last Ultimate Ability Material not awarded
So the idiots at EA help desk don't seem to understand this game or how it functions.
Long story short, I finished the SLKR event, however I didn't receive the last ultimate ability chip, so I'm stuck at 9 of 10 chips and the event is complete.
The "help" desk confirmed that I did complete it, and followed on to say when I got the award... however it never showed up in game... and the idiots at the help desk didn't even bother to look at the screen shots to verify whether or not what they said made any sense with screen shots provided (that they asked for)!?!?
I did all of the log off and log back ins, clear cache, delete app reinstall app. None of that has worked. I'm playing (primarily) on a Galaxy S21 and not using any emulation nor 3rd party sourcing outside of Google and Verizon.
Need help contacting someone that can actually be helpful at EA/CG to fix this.