Vandor Chewie Major Bug
Product: Star Wars: Galaxy of Heroes
Platform:Android Phone
What type of device are you experiencing the issue with? LGV20
OS Version 7.0
Ally Code: (Find it here: ) 164-798-177
What type of issue do you have? Gameplay
How often does the bug occur? Every time (100%)
Summarize your bug Vandor Chewie is either broken or his Ferocious Protector ability description is wrong. Summary: The math isnt exact, but based on datamining that someone else did, he (himself) regens only 10% protection and his allies regen 10% protection + 5% max health (of theirs). This does not match the description at all. Effect: Vandor has much weaker regen than he should have and gets prepared far less often. Allies regen far more than they should according to the description. Honestly, Im assuming you tested and balanced all of the new scoundrels this way so I think Vandor's personal regen should be fixed and the rest of ally regen be left alone or its goinv to unbalance all of the new characters. Just my opinion.
Steps: How can we find the bug ourselves? I have screenshots, but just put him in a squad, put it on 1x speed and test it. Each time someone else is damaged there is a regen pulse, and that is what is wrong. The team I use is: Clone Chewie lead, Vandor 4*, Storm Han, Vet Han, Vet Chewie. I will attach the screens. The red number I wrote in is how much regen each character gets per pulse when Vandor is NOT damaged. Vandor only gets 552. He gets 1152 if he has protection up, which is how you can tell it is bugged because it should be based on his health.
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Ive played with Vandor a lot since his release. I think this ability works fine with other scoundrels. But with his personal regen being so broken it makes him significantly weaker than he should be. Ive copied this from a datamined post but if its correct here is what it says: For Self who is alive: Recover 10% Protection For All Ally who is alive and profession_scoundrel: Recover 10% Protection and 5% of last effect's CONTEXT_VALUES_SUM as ProtectionThanks for the report. We flagged this for review.
Edit: This has now been flagged as bug.