Forum Discussion

CG_Meathead's avatar
Icon for Capital Games Team rankCapital Games Team
2 months ago

Webstore Crystal Purchase Issue

Hello folks, 

Players reached out letting us know there was an issue with purchasing Crystals on the Webstore. 

We have identified that the TOP line crystals buttons are broken and will result in an error when trying to click through them. 

If you are looking to purchase Crystals, you can still scroll down on the webstore and purchase them. 

The team will fix the top line in a future update. 

Thank you for bringing this to our attention. 

5 Replies

  • IcePrinceGC's avatar
    Seasoned Newcomer

    I mean I have issues accessing the webstore and it has been a thing for years. I wish I could even see a purchase screen. 

  • I tried getting crystals today and I couldn’t get any.  The first time I go on their website to buy crystals I couldn’t get them. I will stop buying Apple Card’s if I can buy crystals from your website 

  • Hello, I was directed here by eahelp after 5 days of conversations about crystals I purchased but never got in game. My ticket was closed after being sent here, even though this was not my issue. Are you able to direct me to a better way to resolve this than opening a new ticket and waiting another 5 days and possibly getting the same results? I have and can provide and did provide confirmation emails showing I made the purchase and was charged. 

    • IcePrinceGC's avatar
      Seasoned Newcomer

      Nobody is gonna help you unfortunately, EA customer support is the pinnacle of incompetence. I’ve been trying to solve my issue for at least 2 years and they outright refuse to help. 

  • Killersith99's avatar
    Seasoned Newcomer

    not sure about crystals but there's also a bug forcing me to restart the game on the PC version almost everytime i try to grab a basic pack