Unblock the RU language code (0D / 13) (-lRussian) in The Sims Legacy
There is already a language code for Russian language and it was in-game since the version 1.0 of the Sims. Even more, it seems to be working in pre-release version of The Sims 1 (Edith) but it was disabled later when the text got translated to other languages (except Russian).
There is no official translation to Russian, OK, but dear devs can you finally unblock our language code which was intended to be enabled so we could finally make a quality translation mod by ourselves.
Right now if you edit the game files with IFF Pencil or other tool and save the string in Russian localization space (using HEX code 0D or 13) and then start the game with the Russian language attribute (like having RUSSIAN in SIMS_OTHERLANGUAGE in Registry or adding "-lRussian" at the shortcut) it just ignores it and run the game in standard USEnglish locale.
The problem is that both USEnglish and UKEnglish use 12H clock system which is absolutely makes no sense in Russian language and is hard to get away with it, so when you making a translation just by replacing the English text, this thing just spoils the thing. As alternative I saw the attempts to place the translated text in the Spanish or French locales (which use standard 24H clock) - but that results the Frensh or Spanish text in any additional objects/content when you put it to your downloads folder. This annoys so much.
All the game files seems to fully support the possibility of Russian localization support: there is a Russian localization space in all .iff files, there is a mention of Russian in UIGraphics/Res_Languages.h:
const Sint32 kRes_LanguageDefault = 0;
const Sint32 kRes_LanguageUSEnglish = 1;
const Sint32 kRes_LanguageUKEnglish = 2;
const Sint32 kRes_LanguageFinnish = 11;
const Sint32 kRes_LanguageHebrew = 12;
const Sint32 kRes_LanguageRussian = 13;
const Sint32 kRes_LanguagePortuguese = 14;
const Sint32 kRes_LanguageJapanese = 15;
There is even a separate Russian font folder in UIGraphics.far archive (trough these fonts dosen't support Russian letters actually, but it's not a problem we'll mod them).
I've run several tests and right now I'm absolutely 100% sure that the language has been disabled right in Sims.exe: I just put Sims.exe from Sims Edith edition in Sims Legacy folder with modified UIText.iff having Russian strings for splashing messages in Russian localization space (0D or 13). It worked, trough game expectedly crashed soon after the launch, but the strings were in Russian from RU space (not the US one).
Can you please just enable this language code again and make the life easier for such a big Russian speaking game community? Just enable the Russian / 0D lang code, we'll handle the perfect translation by our hands! It takes nothing from you, it's literally 1-word code change! Please EA, at the 25th anniversary of the game, can you finally bring us that possibility to have separate Russian line working? If anybody will ever create more objects for The Sims 1 they could finally place Russian translation in Russian line and English in English.
I think this is a simple edit manupilation by just adding line 'Russian' next to 'Finnish' and before 'Portuguese' in the game code for Sims.exe so the game can finally load the text from 0D/13 locale.
P.S. 'Hebrew' lang code was disabled the same way, maybe you'll have to enable it as well so Russian loc space could work fine, but I'm not sure about it