262 The Watcher Watches: Rocky & Sunny's house. ~~ Rocky's Teens.~~
Rocky is finding it more difficult to keep ahead of his teens! And just when he had been thinking of them starting to become more mature!
Oh no, sorry Rocky, that is not the case yet!
Rocky is blaming himself, "This being Mayors is so time consuming, with Sunny and I working the long required hours. Working people can't keep an eye on their teens 24/7! " Rocky thinks,
''Thank goodness Dallas phoned me, to let me know! What If there had been a fire? I wonder if my boys would have responded to the emergency, and put the fire out?!!!"
(Yes, they would have! They are brave so they would not have hesitated, so eager to do their very best, and likely done an A+ job!
But poor Rocky doesn't need to know this, so I keep mum!)
And there's that other matter! It had always been more difficult for him as a single parent, with his teens big size and having some of the town not realize they are Not young adults, but teens! Very spontaneous curious teens, I might add!
Rocky lapses into a moment of remembering when he worked the fire station!
No, that is definitely a job for adults only!
"Oh my Son's! What to do!? I am going to call that so called 'councilor'! I am furious that he sent you to such a dangerous job, I thought you were going to deliver pizza's all day!" says Rocky, and thinks 'And that is another thing, why would a 'guidance councilor' send the boys to deliver pizza's? This doesn't make any logical sense! It is not an intellectually simulating job! Why is he not encouraging my sons to something that will enlighten their eager minds, something to further their potential? Delivering Pizza's! grr The very idea! Why not teach them to learn how to Make a pizza? They could then at least know how to feed themselves and their friends!! grrr I just don't understand Why he put them in a job such as this, with no levels to accomplish and rise up to, with no potential for advancement?! (Rocky is very ambitious so thinks there is always a need for advancement!) grumble grumble What utter nonsense! grumble grumble' Rocky is thinking, getting all worked up, he changes his clothes and reaches for his phone.
"Dad, wait!'' says Fabian "We did that job change ourselves! The councilor wasn't aware, it's not his fault, it was us. And we didn't tell Dakota we were ditching either! It just was sooo, meh! You see, It's not like we were driving around a Person we could talk with, or a Baby we could coo at! It was a Pizza! We were so bored, and began to reek like Pizza, and Well, to be truthful, Dad, It's not like it's necessary to take hours upon hours to learn how to drive a pizza box all around town! It turns out, Dad, there isn't much skill, or much thinking involved at all! ... So we thought... Dad, please don't blame the councilor, when it was our idea!" says Fabian, who has always had this sense of fairness and never would allow for someone to take his blame.
"That's right Dad!" interjects Jed, stepping up to the plate. "It isn't the councilors fault at all, or Dakota's! But that Pizza job was not right for us! We aren't like how Dakota is, making all those friends and having everyone love him! We lack whatever it is, that he has that makes him great for that job! We are different and we wanted to learn skills that we are interested in, that we would naturally become good at! ... But Dad, it is Me to blame, not Fabian. It was my idea to learn the handiness skill at your fire station! I always look at it passing by on my way home from school. So Dad please don't be mad at the councilor or at Fabian, it was me who thought to do it, and convinced Fabian!!" says Jed, sorry that he has gotten his brother into trouble.
"It just seemed like such a good idea at the time!"
Rocky is always so surprised that his boys are so open with him! It's so refreshing! Even when they are caught red handed, they never think to hide, or lie, like some teens do. They just say "Oh, Hi Dad!" with their sweet face that is always so genuinely glad to see him! Rocky sighs, thinking about his sons.
''What to do. What to do. Maybe they shouldn't go to interning anymore? or Maybe they could go if there was a good trusted friend to be their supervisor? A friend who is a Parent would be best!'' Rocky thinks.
"OK boys. I always appreciate your honesty. I do understand how this all came about, not that I approve of it! From now on, if you can't seem to stay on the job, for whatever reason, you need to call me, and not just ditch the job and try something else on your own!" says Rocky.
"Yes Dad, I'm sorry Dad." say the twins in unison, ashamed at what they caused for their dear old Dad.
Rocky addresses the other thing. "Also about those firewomen. What is this mad interest in older women? Just because they ask you to do something doesn't mean you should do it, boys! They are thinking you are much older, and you are not speaking up abut your age, and you are too young for that sort of thing!" says Rocky.
"But Dad! What if we have a crush on the firewoman or even Love her?" asks Fabian.
Rocky looks in his son's eyes, " Do you, son?"
Fabian looks down. "Wellll, no." he says.
And Rocky can't seem to hide his smile at his son's blatant honesty. The kid is awfully cute in admitting his truth.
How much easier it would be for Rocky to discipline, if they were liars, or mean boys, but this isn't the case at all. They've always been such sweet lads, just a bit too curious and impulsive at times. And now hormone driven too! 'Thank the sweet Gods that my sons aren't like that conniving mean bratty boy, Peanut Ivy!' But all the parents in the town whisper this prayer, except for maybe Rainflower!
"Fabian, I think you boys need to spend more time in the company of your friends and same age group! There will be plenty of time for older ladies when you are an adult!" Rocky says knowingly.
''Now, I think perhaps, today's internship was your last! I will tell that to your councilor that you will be going back to your classes!"
"But Dad! What about the science center? They have gardening and fishing and all those Machines and Gadgets and computers, we want to learn about! That is the only other place we are interested in!" says Jed, and Fabian nods his head in agreement.
"That's right Dad' says Fabian, "the regular class work is less than stimulating and our teachers have to come up with all sorts of special projects for us! That's why the guidance councilor was asked to make us learn to intern at various places, to find out what suited us best, so our teachers would know better which direction to lead our studies!"
"Hm. Well, I.... Hm." Rocky's mind is quickly going over all the possible scenarios, and possible outcomes! It is really too bad that this town doesn't have parent/teacher conferences! And that the teacher and councilors decide things leaving the parents out of the loop! Thank goodness Rocky's newly vampiric mind can rapidly calculate what would serve best his unique and inquisitive boys!
''Hm, That is a very good and interesting career, boys, and I do have a very close friend who works there. Perhaps one morning, under his guidance and care.....'' the boys can't tell if Dad is talking to them or himself! But they pay rapt attention! Jed gesticulating his arms in a hopeful manner to see if that can help their Dad's decision in their favor!
" I will call Max and ask if we can come over tomorrow morning.'' says Rocky, finally deciding.
The boys blink at each other, 'Did Dad say WE?' realizing that because of their actions today, they have now earned themselves not one but 2 supervisors! Max And their Dad! :o
''What's next? For Dad, to march us from place to place and class to class? We better be on our best behavior!'' thinks Jed to his brother.
The twins stare at each other sharing thoughts, like twins sometimes can do "But at least we get to learn about science!'' thinks Fabian to Jed.
''Yes! I would even gladly go with armed guards surrounding me, to get to learn about the science career!" thinks Jed to his twin, and Fabian nods his agreement.