The title always makes me laugh, remembering Peter Sellers, in the movie 'Being There', say to Shirley MacLaine "I like to watch" ! :D Well I must admit I Do like watching my sims, just to see what they do! I usually only direct them to help fulfill wishes, although sometimes I admit to doing this creatively! haha
So my family, how did it begin? Starting in Moonlight Falls with Dante, Violet, and Argus, it was plain so see that Violet and Argus were getting to be an item. Dante was best friends with Belinda Crumplebottom, and they decided to move in together to my favorite house. (actually, the only house I like here!)
Belinda wanted a child with Dante, and it pained him to let her down as he felt he was too young, and he wanted a more traditional family when he matured. He loved Belinda as friend, and even though she was so kind and lovely personality, she was not 'the One' for him.
Belinda was swept off her feet by Don Lothario, they fell in love and married. When ever he would scare her she would retaliate by casting a spell on him! :D They enjoyed each other immensely! She has not had a child with Don so far though, she thinks an evil father would be, well, evil!
Moving Forward : Dante
Dante met a beautiful Faery named Tulip. The attraction was instant, and soon they fell in love. The more he was with her, the more he became convinced she was the One! And so, he convinced her to marry him. I say 'convinced' because She was a bit afraid that he was a Vampire. But, she did love him and she did say Yes! Dante was in heaven! He never drank from her, he only drank plasma orange juice. Their marriage was loving and solid, and then Dante wanted a child.
Tulip always dreamed of babies, but would never get the wish for it. The Watcher (me) became convinced she was worried that Dante might bite the baby! :o One day as they were on a date, Dante started spamming me with wishes to turn Tulip! Even though I usually fulfill wishes, I kept clicking his wishes off. He Spammed me 7 times in half an hour! He wanted desperately to turn her! mmm maybe Dante knows something the Watcher does not! I decided to let him fulfill this wish! I wanted to know! For Science!
"Are you sure, my love?" And Dante slips her a Potent Cure Potion, in case she wants to change her mind. "Yes, Dante, I'm sure." her voice was so enchanting, sounding like Elvan wind chimes to his ear. and it was done!
A few days later, Tulip went through the transformation!
And she got the wish to have a baby with Dante only a few minutes later! In fact she got many baby wishes! How did Dante know this would happen? I am so glad he told me with his thought bubbles and spammed wishes!
They are marvelous parents, there isn't a more devoted father, in fact Dante loves all babies & kids! 1st child Tula then and now
Tula's boyfriend Tristan--they live across the street in the family's other property, a 'Teen house', with a Chaperone
Aha, well maybe what I read doesn't have to be so scary.. the main point is to see how other authors write their stuff in terms of story telling and structure or something. How they set the mood, etc.
I have seen the movie The Shining, and there was one scene that I found the most creepy and that I still remember...
Where Jack, I think it was, goes into a bathroom and there is this naked old lady in the bathtub.. creepiest scene... terrible pastel green colours in the bathroom, too..
I haven't read the book or watched the movie "It", but I have watched Cujo a long time ago, and that movie messed with my mind a bit at the time..
Oh yeah, sure, I can request books at the library, but I had no idea what to request. Me having no clue, I went in there asking for the librarians advice. :P
Maybe I will show the secret bookcase thing later, next time I stop by in Sunset Valley (if it is still there. I may have deleted it? Actually, I am not sure... :/)
Oh, the coast here is pretty varied. It is both flat in some places, and more mountaineous or hilly in others. Where I live its pretty flat. We can't get earthquakes or tsunamis. Hurricanes are possible, but extremely rare. Stormy winds are pretty common though, seeing as how I live on a pretty flat place by the ocean. They say about the people here that if the wind stops blowing, everyone will fall over on their face... ;) (from being so used to leaning against the wind...)
Last time this place had hurricane winds is getting close to 30 years ago. There is actually a documentary about it out on youtube, though in Norwegian and pretty poor quality.
Oh, I have forgotten about the daycare career, and there is even a doctor career? I have to try those one time! My towns should have a daycare for the toddlers... that would be pretty neat!
271 The Watcher Watches: Rocky & Sunny's house. ~~ A Different Type of Transformation ~~
Not long until Paulina will be a vampire to now, I guess, but will she keep her purple eyes after the transformation? I hope so.
Great shot of Paulina jumping into Jeds arms. ;) It looks a bit like she could be doing a ballet dance move.
Ah, she still has her purple eyes, and I am pleased. ;)
Hmm, I thought a clown car would be more clown like. :P
Almost synchronized kissing, hey, thats pretty cool. I don't think its to often something like that will happen...
Haha, shrinking machine, ouch.. I don't know which is worse, forever being tall or going in a shrinking machine.. :P
Oh wait, continous growth, yeah, that would be pretty bad... then the shrinking machine would be miles better...
"The lab goes dark, as well as the entire town, but just for a minute, emergency generators come on, and all is well." <-- Oh my, that was power intensive to make the entire town go dark! Must have been a fascinating sight inside that lab!
Normal height now, no more strange hugging and kissing.. or risk of opping heads. :P
"Max and Alfie chat amiably about a new project.." <-- Alright, hmm... what could this be?
I have to say, there's something so poignant and lovely about watching Max and Alfie, two brilliant doppelgangers, just do something normal and enjoyable like playing catch with each other. They're so calm and joyful considering how strange their co-existence is. And well-deserved playtime too, after all they do to make the town better!
@Silverofdreams30 I just read your story corner that an update is coming soon! Yahoooo! that is good news!
Hey that is ok to be lazy after work! I always loved the feeling of when work let out, it reminded me of school being let out and that awesome feeling of freedom! haha So a week of full days then temp work, sounds like you will have more time for fun and your creativity here for your story! Good! :)
That is very sweet of you to say you love all the updates and have been reading them everyday, wow thank you! You are so nice! Yes I love seeing Max & Alfie together! I know they enjoy each other's company so much! it was fun to have them be the solution to the twins height problem! (and now I know to be more careful when I 'play with genetics') ;) :D
Yay! I'm glad to hear you're taking the screen shots and look forward to you posting them! Your sims are just the loveliest! :)
So late commenting, been lazy after work! But I only have this week coming left of full days then I'm going to temp when needed so will have more off days. I have loved all the updates as I read them every day. Lovely to see Max and Alfie too! I'm taking screenshots for my story at, will post them during the week.
271 The Watcher Watches: Rocky & Sunny's house. ~~ A Different Type of Transformation ~~
Dot sees her sister practicing her strong girl poses. She knows that a perfect body is part of Paulina's lifetime wish. "Paulina, did you know that vampires are so much stronger and faster than you will ever be?" "No, Dot, is that really true?" "Yes, I thought you would want to know that, since you want to be the greatest female athlete. Vampires can learn skills faster too, during the dark hours." "Gee, that's something for me to think about!"
Paulina goes downstairs to speak with Jed about this, but just being near him, she forgets what she was going to say. She looks up to Jed, Literally because he is so tall, and also because she wants to be as good at sports as he is. They complement each other on their athletic skills, which turns to more flirting. Well, they're in love. Paulina is the 'flingiest' sim I have, lol she always loves to fling herself into his arms~~~ Ah! Maybe it's a form of exercise, he is so tall, maybe she thinks it's like doing a high jump! :D
Hm. Uh, Paulina, didn't you forget something, after your shower? "I see that there are more than one newspaper to throw out, Watcher. Is that what you mean?'' uh, no.
ok that's better! :D Water slide came to the rescue of her wardrobe malfuntion!
Inside, Fabian is just finishing his plasma OJ. Dot is having hers as well. I guess they don't want cookies this morning.
When Dot finishes she decides to hypnotize Rocky. It doesn't go so well, being her first time. "Sorry." she says to Rocky. "I was just messing around!" "aw That's alright, Dot" says Rocky. He thinks the teen's practice was kind of cute.
"It's absolutely true, Paulina, if you want to be the very best athlete, then vampirism would be a good choice." says Fabian. "So they really are the strongest! Do you have another of those potions that you gave Dot?" "I gave it to Sunny, she likes to turn people. Sorry, I didn't think of you might wanting it, Jed never said anything about wishing to turn you, either." says Fabian.
Paulina has made up her mind, and calls to Sunny to come downstairs. "Sunny I want to be a vampiress, the strongest in the land!" says Paulina. "Oh! Certainly! Come over here, we need room!" says Sunny, eager to turn yet another!
"Make me strong, make me strong, make me strong!" thinks Paulina over and over again, like a mantra!
"Yahoooo! I know it worked! I already feel stronger!" Paulina claps!
"Well I hope you don't get to looking like the hulk!" jokes Sunny. "hehehe No, I don't think that would be a nice look on me!" says Paulina.
Rocky gets a call from Max, "Rocky, it's finally ready! After much contemplation, I've figured it out! Please meet Alfie and me at the science lab!" says Maxfield, very excited. Rocky gets his hopes up, and gathers the family together! Rocky keeps his fingers crossed, but his boys don't really know what going on. Doesn't matter, another day with Alfie and Max is sure to be interesting! "Get in the car, quickly please!" Rocky urges them. "Fabian, now!" Fabian is stalling because he doesn't like them all to ride in the clown car, and having to curl up his big body, to fit in the trunk! lol
They arrive, and since Max and Alfie are one minute late, they resort to kisses, simultaneously, almost synchronized. lol.
"Jed, I wanted to tell you about the potion I made for you boys, I know you noticed the different color from the usual vampire potions. I added ingredients to yours, to help Max's experiment to work better." "What? What are you talking about?" asks Jed, still thinking about kissing Paulina. "Well for the problem you boys have of advanced and continual growing." says Alfie.
"No, Fabian and I don't want that cured! We like to be taller than the other teens! Our girlfriends like us being tall too!" says Jed, sharing this conversation with Fabian and talking amongst themselves in their twin telepathic speak. "But son, what of the pain, the back aches, the bad growing pains in your muscles, it can't be good for you to continue to keep growing, think about it."
"No Alfie, we don't want to be placed in a shrinking machine! What if, well, other bits shrink!" Jed is pretty horrified thinking of awful consequences that might happen. Fabian is near fainting at the thought. Alfie tries to alleviate his fears "I don't believe Max's invention will do anything detrimental, Jed! Max has thought it all out, it is to Benefit you both! Plus my Potion for you both, was all protective flowers and herbs, only Good can happen to you!"
"Son, please consider, it is the Continual Growth we are so concerned about, not just your height right now, that you boys need to consider! The sheer size of your Heads, they're getting so Big now!'' says Alfie, motioning with his arms stretched out wide. ''Heads are not supposed to grow as big as watermelons, what if they pop!" :o
''Please son, what do you say? We won't force it on you, but would like your permission." says Alfie. ''Well gee whiz, I don't want our heads to pop, our girlfriends might not think that look is a very handsome look..." thinks Jed, as he thinks about their situation, sharing thoughts with Fabian all the while.
"Ah Max has arrived!" thinks Alfie. He and Max speak telepathically. Alfie is Max's doppelgänger, but more, they are so close, they know each other's minds, hearts, and timelines. They love each other like twins.
"Jed, I've gone over and over each cell in your and Fabian's bodies. The abnormal growth is due to the mutated cells, we assume from your mother's genes, as they are not present in Rocky's. I am certain I have the solution now, with Alfie's potions as the catalyst." says Max. Fabian comes to join the conversation, he wants to know if it will hurt. "No there will be no pain, Fabian."
''Shall we get underway, my brother?" thinks Alfie to Max. "Yes brother, I think the boys have made their decision."
Paulina comes to hug her tall Jed, one last time. Max and Alfie note the height difference again, Max making more mental calculations and Alfie thinking to Max "She will happy to finally be able to kiss his lips, me thinks. That's a good tradeoff." "Indeed." thinks Max.
The group all begin to line up to enter Max's science lab. Alfie enters first. He wants to spread fairy magic over the lab, to ensure success. Max enters last, he wants them all calm from Alfie's magic, before he begins treatment.
Rocky hugs his sons, He senses no fear from them, that's a relief! Max indicates for the twins to enter the complicated chamber that Max has created, out of liquid metal. ''Boys, lay down in the warm water, just relax." he says. Max flips switches, and a whirring sound can be heard, bright lights are flashing. Alfie pours more potions into the chambers waters, the potions vary in color, one even changes color in the lights, like the gem stone alexandrite. Alfie and Max then place their hands on an emerging panel, with hand indentations on it. At once Bright lights flash and transformers pop with a loud bang! The lab goes dark, as well as the entire town, but just for a minute, emergency generators come on, and all is well.
As they all come out of the lab, a bit stunned at all that they saw, Rocky turns, "My sons! You're teen sized!" he says, grabbing Jed, closest to him, into a bear hug.
"Dot! Do you still like me, all shrimpy like this?" asks Fabian. "Of course I do, Fabian!" she says as she hugs him. Sunny thinks this is all so fascinating, and wonders about the effects this may have on their vampirism.
Dot takes a good look at Fabian, then smiles her approval.
Finally Fabian knows what it's like to kiss Dot's soft lips.
"Thank you, Max! I really didn't want my head to pop!" says Jed. Max really likes these teens, "I have another experiment in the works, if you'd like to come help?" Jed can't hide his excitement and hugs Max. Fabian is also thrilled and comes to high five!
Paulina comes over, she's regarding Jed, wondering too, after seeing Dot & Fabian kiss.
Max smiles, he knows it is all good now for the boys.
"Hm. His melon-head still is a bit big, but maybe he will grow into it." thinks Max.
The family expresses their thanks and says their goodbyes, and head on home. The twins urging Rocky to drive faster, eager to 'check something out' they tell him. Rocky obliges.
Max and Alfie chat amiably about a new project, while they play catch. It was a very good day for them, they work so well together! There is no stopping what they can accomplish now!
@Sprottenham Oh the Gunslinger Dark Tower 1, yes that was a good series, but to me it wasn't so scary, just wonderfully interesting and compelling. But everyone is different in how scared they get, or their perceptions. The scariest for me, was the Shining, at one part, I jumped and the book flew out of my hands to behind the sofa, lol, the other scariest one was 'It', I think it's one of my favorites because of how he writes children, I don't know how he can write them so perfectly. but both are way to scary for me to read either one again. btw sometimes you can read some parts of the books online if you google it, like it will take you to Amazon where it says 'look inside' this book. It shows quite a bit! I wanted to ask, well our libraries can get books that they don't have, that you request. They get them sent over by other libraries or sometimes they purchase them, I was wondering if yours did that too?
Oh nice! a secret bookcase hiding a complete basement! ok now you Do have to show what strange thing you made down there! You can't just mention something like that and then nonchalantly go off to talk of other things! LOL ???
hahaha yes Dante is famous to me for that! Most all my sims will do it if their partners are there on the same lot, but he is the only one who actually goes home, hehe. All of them have free will but he is the one who takes the most advantage of it, frequently choosing not do what I have directed, the rare times that I do direct sims. He is such a great sim!
''I think I wouldn't be taken very seriously if I were to tell an employer that I spoke fluent røverspråk'' :D hahaha :D I can just see you saying it and the employers face! :D
Oh I bet it's lovely on the coast, is it flat or are there cliffs? Our coast has both, the cliffs at the northern end and then there are places of sand dunes and then more flat, where people like to sun tan and picnic. Ah well that's Good! Well what about Tsunamis or hurricanes or earthquakes? But maybe that doesn't happen where you are?
Yes for some reason I think I played the ghost buster and stylist/ architect career too much. or something about it got to me. The music of the ghostbuster is good but then I get sick of it too fast. lol and the Doctor! gee, now there is Always someone getting ill when you are trying to be on a romantic date! LOL it never fails! I should play it again to see what happens if we just ignore them! Do they die? I haven't played out everything to all possibilities yet. The daycare career was interesting when someone didn't come back to pick up their kid! ?
haha yes Paulina has always liked to do those strong girl poses for Jed, since she first got here, :D it is so cute because she looks like a weak tiny puppy!
oh lol, I don't know if the massage was making her think of woo or not, they had already gone in the shower together, so she did already have that moodlet. She might just be thinking of her moodlet. They are all woo maniacs in this town. :D A lot of my time is just waiting on them to be done so we can go somewhere.
Lol sometimes the fangs look small to me, like a wee kitten, and sometimes really big! Dot's seemed to look small-ish, in that pic.
Well I think when you don't know the vampire well enough they Can say no! But so far I haven't seen it in this save.
Yes the positive moodlet does seem weird, I wonder if the developers put it in so that the victims would be more apt to allow it?
lol yes I like the cute toasting of the juice boxes! :) there is just so much cute animations! :)
Hehe, well, the secret book case thing actually leads down into a basement.. I let my imagination run and made something strange down there...
Haha, ok, so that is a Dante exit! Well, thats one way to get kicked out of a house.. probably the best way! :P
Haha, yeah the "røverspråk" was used sometimes, but it is also very impractical! :P I haven't used it in a long time, so long ago I had to look it up again now, because I had forgotten what it was like.. :P
I think I wouldn't be taken very seriously if I were to tell an employer that I spoke fluent røverspråk... ;)
Hehe, I just went to the library now and asked the librarian about scary/horror books (because I really have no clue...). She found two books, one by Stephen King (called "The Dark Tower I", name might be different in english) and another by a to me unknown author (Sarah Waters, "The Little Stranger"). I will try to finish them to see if I can learn something about writing scary things...
Oh, its good that you are safe. Whenever I hear something about California on the news, its always about it being dry, hot and burning.. so one can get the impression that the entire state is just one big fire... but it sounds like you can get a lot of rain too. Oh, and sudden mudslides can be dangerous. It is good your sisters home didn't get destroyed! o_X And of course, that you have each other to go too, if something should happen!
Oh yes, it is probably always wise to have some emergency kit.. Mother Nature is ruthless. If she wants to destroy, she will.. Where I live, I think its pretty safe, the risk of forest fire is probably very low, mostly because I live very far out on the coast and there isn't to much forest.. Biggest danger is probably strong wind and waves/flooding from the ocean, but even that I think is not to likely to happen or be to severe, but I never know of course..
The fireman career is probably the best one in the ambitions pack, so far I agree, but it also the only one I have really played.. I found the stylist and decoration career trickier, because you have to get satisfied customers.. :P
270 The Watcher Watches: Rocky & Sunny's house. ~~ Fabian's wish, sort of fulfilled. ~~
Haha, I love the strong girl poses. :P Yep, go the gym.
Hehe, I see that Sunny thinks of woohoo from getting the massage. ;)
Hmm, yeah, Fabian should have asked to make sure, before turning Dot into yet another vampire.. what if she hadn't like it? :P
Haha, Fabian thinks shes cute with the fangs, but I don't know.. she is cute otherwise, but the moment she shows her fangs, umm, well, I'm not so sure... ;)
Hmm, what sweet vampires, they ask for every bite.. what happens if someone says no? :P
"Bob likes the sensation, of being bitten. It does make a positive moodlet for the victims." <-- Well, thats weird.. :P
Oh, what they don't have in those backpacks.. ;) Hehe, they are even toasting with the juice boxes, how cute. :P
270 The Watcher Watches: Rocky & Sunny's house. ~~ Fabian's wish, sort of fulfilled. ~~
Kicked out of Emelie's mansion, and seeing Waylan and Emelie have left for school, Paulina says, "Jed! Look at my strong girl poses!" Jed thinks they are terrific! "You are so athletic!'' He compliments, ''Let's go to the gym! It will be more fun than hanging around here.''. Paulina eagerly agrees, they both love to workout, sharing the athletic trait.
haha, how do they Know? Now everyone wishes to have a workout or get pumped or something sports related! :D so Watcher has Fabian and Dot, and Rocky and Sunny follow suit! It takes me a few minutes waiting on Rocky and Sunny, I never like to interrupt sims, until they're ready to make another action. Ok off to the gym!
Hm. ok I guess these guys will get to their workouts after a bit!
The twins work out, That is Javon in the middle, back row. Jed, Fabian and Paulina have a higher skill than Rocky, Sunny and Dot.
Poor Ashley is having troubles staying on her machine, her bf, Bob FromAccounting is here as well. Very graceful, Bob!
Rocky decides he has had enough working out, and gives Sunny a hotstone massage. I'm so glad he knows what he's doing, and doesn't lose his grip on the stones, burning Sunny!
Fabian gets yet another wish to turn Dot! I don't know why he wants this so much. It must be important to him for some reason. Jed doesn't wish it of Paulina. "Dot do you mind if I look to see if you have any objection to being turned vampire?" Fabian asks. Before she can even answer, Fabian reads her mind!
"Oh sorry about that, Dot, I should have waited for your answer! I did want to gift you with the potion I made at Jin's Shoppe." Fabian says, as he gives her the gift. "Oh thank you! I like the pink color!" says Dot, giving him a hug.
"You know, you don't have to use it, just because I wish you to be the same occult as me. It needs to be your decision." says Fabian. "I think it's sweet that you want us to be the same. It's like having another thing in common." says Dot.
"It's kind of romantic, akin to the the story of a princess, asking her love to forsake his occult for Love!" Dot tells him.
And quick as a wink, she upends the vial on herself--faster than Watcher can even get a proper pic! Also the red swirling smoke looks Pink, and there are No Bats! :o My first thought is Fabian isn't so good at making potions! But the popup tells me Dot is now a vampire!
"Fabian, do I have any fangs yet?" she asks him. Fabian, thinks she looks just so cute, with her baby fangs! lol maybe they will grow later.
"Yes your fangs look very very good, Dot! Well everything about you looks pretty fantastic!" Dot really likes hearing this.
Outside there is evil laughter coming from Ashley, who might want a diamond from Bob, her sweetie.
Uh-Oh! Rocky is showing me I neglected to put a Fridge on the lot, for his plasma orange juice! He is hunting, and Ashley is in his sites! Ashley knows it too!
"Ashley, perchance you wouldn't mind, helping a thirsty friend out?" Rocky asks, trying to look nonchalant, like he doesn't really care if she says yes or no. But when full Vampires ask, it is very convincing, hardly anyone ever says No!
''Thank you, my dear, you are so very kind!" *chomp!* His bite lasts but a second, and he's full! :o That was fast!
The bite makes them friendlier, and lets them know some more traits of each other!
"You are to be praised for your kindness to friends!" says Rocky.
oh lol, In back of them, I see Sunny doing the same to Bob! "I'm sorry to have to ask Bob, but I'm so thirsty." she says. "Watcher, it would be Nice if you would finally get around to placing a fridge here on this lot!" poor Bob says to me. Sunny thinks Bob is being a good friend!
Bob likes the sensation, of being bitten. It does make a positive moodlet for the victims. "No problem, Sunny!" says Bob, and gives her a hug. He's so nice.
"I just want you to know that I usually drink plasma OJ, it's not like I go around biting everyone!" says Sunny, stretching the truth.
Finally everyone has had enough of the gym, and biting, and potion splashing, and heads on home. Fabian tells Dot "I think I should tell you, when we are older we will probably notice a change of taste, like our favorite food, might change from cookies to plasma orange juice!" ''Oh seriously?! I just happen to have a juice box in my backpack!" says Dot and they clink boxes, *cheers!*
@Sprottenham ''What was the potion Alfie used, really? '' Really really? or story really? In actuality it was just a skill booster potion, the funny thing was Sunny wanted to talk with them, and the teens kept trying to run away to play catch! ? I did have to help her out, by clicking off their actions! In the story it's coming soon, if the teens decide to cooperate! the devils! :D >:)
Oh that is clever you made the secret book case house before it existed! For some reason I can't even make a secret room with the secret book case provided! Yes! I would love to see the house, either the family or visitors! That would be so cool! The VanGould mansion in my game, has something 'too much' about it for my laptop, it makes lag happen, I will have to remove somethings to make it easier to play there, but not the secret bookcase, for sure!
It was fun going over to see Emelie and Waylon, it's always fun for me to see non-active sims, what they choose to do. yes I thought for sure they would like to share a sleep, but I was wrong, She chose the alter bed. And I also thought Ayden would choose the very grandest bed too, he is a snob, after all! it's so fun when they surprise me! :D
Oh well first off, Dante when not active, does not like to Stay where he is invited! If it is a meeting, like for all the high council to discuss something (the poisoning of the water supply) he just decides not to show up at all, even though he was repeatedly invited! And if it's to a neighbors house, like for the Gathering, he will, after only 1/2 hour or Less, decide to woo his wife in order to get kicked out of the house so he can go back home! That is the 'Dante exit'! Woo, get kicked out, and Go! :D
yeah I think Emelie was showing us she wants to marry her bf Waylan. Even though she doesn't have the hopeless romantic trait or family oriented trait that might push this thought. so I think she must feel she is simply ready. lol yes well, the janitor's closet is more private than smooching in the hallways! these two might be trouble. ? lol.
''Oh, so Mr. Tesla could have simply died from eating a jelly bean'' could be ... ???
OMG that is the Best name Ever! røverspråk "thieves language" So much better than pig latin! :D Did you speak this secret language with your friends? When we were kids, my friend and I learned sign language so we could talk during church, and not get into trouble! haha I wonder if we are ever asked by an employer, to list all the languages we are fluent in, if we should include pig latin and røverspråk!!! hehehe I think it would be funny to include it in a story, having the character bragging about his fluencies! :D
hehe yeah once I finally learned how to read it was hard to stop. When I was reading Shōgun , I could barely put the book down, and even called off work to be able to finish it. That was in my irresponsible 20's lol, and I never got a look of disapproval from my husband, well then boyfriend. hehe so maybe all blame should go to Him, since it was he, who got me started on those books of Clavell. ;) :D j/k.
Hm, I don't know if it's true or not, to be a good writer you need to be a reader? I think I remember Stephen King saying he does read a lot, but as it being true of all writers? well No, because you've just said you don't much like to read, so, there we have it! ?
No, so far we haven't been bothered by fires or even earthquakes at this new place, the fault lines by-pass us for the earthquakes, and luck for the shelter from fires. My sisters and I are each in a different part of the state, so we are the haven for each other, when such a calamity happens. The weird thing is, it was Rain, too much rain, like a half inch within a half an hour, where my little sister lived, which triggered a big land/rock/mud slide that nearly destroyed her home, so she came here and stayed with us. This same little sister was actually vacationing at the site of this forest fire closest to me now, and had to leave early because of it. It's a lovely mountain lakeside place, we used to always go when we were growing up. The odd thing to me is so many people and the news too, sometimes acts like fire is something brand new, and that the sky must be falling too! Its not new, California burns every year, just as some states flood very often, it's just natural and common for the area. I think sometimes it must be just part of earth's renewal process, some trees don't even grow unless there has been a fire. So it's smart to have emergency kits, and a plan to try to keep out of the way of Mother Nature. oh yeah, I Do like the Fireman career! :p ;) it's really Fun, I think it is the best of all in Ambitions! :)
@DivaDoodle Hehe, you mentioning this author with excessive descriptions and reading Stephen King reminds me of this advice that to be a writer, you have to read.. but I am a terrible reader.. It can take me a year just to finish one book... so I'm definately not a bookworm! :/ I wish I was though, to more easily pick up on ways to do great story telling...
Oh, so Mr. Tesla could have simply died from eating a jelly bean.. how strange. I have just ignored the jelly bean bush in my game, because it just sounds so silly... :P
I understand you live in California? I have only been there once (on my only visit to the US, actually..) and then I was in San Francisco. Many years ago, actually 10 years ago now.. I came to talk with this guy working as a janitor at the Alcatraz (yep, tourist! ;) ), and he talked about already then how dry it was.... And with the fires and everything, I can understand why you would like the fire fighter career.. All jokes aside, the heat, drought and fires sound pretty bad.. I hope you're not to much at risk for getting in an actual fire! :O
Aha, amscray was pig latin, I thought it was a real word! :P We have something similar, called røverspråk (transl: thiefs language). It works by adding the letter o after each consonant, and then the same consonant again. So the word 'scram' would become 'soscocroramom'....:P
Hehe, Prince Albert in a can.. pretty good job to get him in one in the first place! ;)
269 The Watcher Watches: Rocky & Sunny's house. ~~ Waiting for Emelie. ~~
Of course, Fabian is reading about potions from the alchemy book..
..yeah, shouldn't there be red smoke and bats flying about? What was the potion Alfie used, really? Hehe, I can imagine Jin talking in a strange way. :P
Hehe, I bet its a cool house Emelie lives in. I like maze like houses, with hidden bookshelfs! For one of my households I made a secret space in their house hidden behind a bookshelf, way before I got the supernatural pack that actually has a bookshelf.. I should play as that household soon, or atleast have their other family members pay them a visit...
Ooh, they float in the air when sleeping on those vampire beds! Thats.. interesting.. The beds look pretty cool, but also very uncomfortable if you couldn't float above them. ;) Emilie doesn't immediately strike me as the kind of girl that would choose to sleep on such a bed. :P
Hehe, Emilie wants to get married, to Waylon I assume.
Hmm, I don't think I get the Dante exit thing and why that is funny. <_<... >_>
Yeah, no smooching in the janitors closet! Come on, kids... ;)
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