Okay, bare with me this is gonna be a bit of a paragraph, but I've seen people having this exact same issue... but in different fonts lol. So I'm gonna do my best to put in as much detail as possible, while also trying to make it short and sweet. Here goes nothing.
So a few days ago, I had bought the Dragon Valley Gold Edition pack because I was like, yo this is awesome. Need to definitely see what this pack is all about. As I finish up the purchase and open the Sims 3 section of my EA app, I go to manage add ons, because just like with the sims 4 im use to going and downloading from there. But when I scroll to the bottom, it says "In-Game Content" with nothing else around it... i thought okay thats weird. So I scrolled a couple forums, found some cool solutions that of course wanted to work for everyone else but me. Did all I could.
I then came across a forum that told me i needed to go thesim3 (dot com) and log in, go to My Store Account, and go to purchase history, and all my stuff i bought and haven't downloaded will be there and you have to manually download it from there. I was like oh my god, this person is a genious. But alas, this doesn't work either, lemme tell you why... so when I hit the Download button, it automatically routes me to the SIms 3 Launcher, and it brings me to downloads. which is all fine and dandy, BUT it brings up the member log in screen. It has my email there, but it wants my password. Cool, lemme just type that in... and *pressing enter*.... oookay... it's not taking my password. I type it in about 5 more times. Now, I'm sure a good amount of us play the Sims 4, we know how many times we have to re-log in to the app. I know my password.... i even typed it in to log into my sims 3 previously to log in just to make sure all my other packs were there. I just don't understand why it wouldn't take my password for that, it felt like a glitch.
So at this point I'm at my wits end, I looked up again how to fix this just hoping somehow I would be able to figure this out. I really didn't want to have to ask for a refund because this game looks extremely fun. So.. i find this other forum where someone says to launch Sims 3 completely, and get to the load screen, right before you click your household. To go down to the three dots, and at the bottom where it says Open Download Launcher, it had all the stuff to download! I literally thought i was saved again. I clicked on download for Dragon Valley, and it took me out of the Sims 3 and brought up that same screen where it got stuck trying to log me in, and wouldn't take my password. This time, It was almost like a really small window in the top left corner of my screen. It was weird, not only was it not logging in, but it looked funny on the screen too.
To finish up everything, not only have I contacted EA themselves , and while they've been extremely helpful, the certain gentleman and I didn't have a long discussion because it was in the tiny chat box and i couldn't get in the paragraph i got out on here. I have cleared cache, stopped the EABackgroundService and deleted the Sims3 folder, redownloaded it... nothing. It's getting really frusturating and no one is having the exact same problem as me.
Someone help please!