In an alternate slice of reality...
My dear friend,
It is with deep regret that I inform you of the destruction of Forgotten Hollow. I know that some of this will be difficult to bear, but please remember it is only in this reality, and not in yours. You see, in this reality, Forgotten Hollow was still the home of Vlad, Lilith, and Caleb. I left them alone, content to exist in their world, and forgotten by me.
Bella and Mortimor Goth, along with their children, moved to Forgotten Hollow. They seemed to fit in well, I suppose. I hardly ever saw them and that was fine by me.
Unfortunately, the Baroness arrived in Forgotten Hollow. I don't know how. She just arrives. And when she arrives, things change. I am not entirely sure what has happened. The whole area has been cordoned off by the authorities. I have been told all of the buildings are gone. The only thing that is left is the little plaza in the middle of it all.
The thing is, my dear friend, the bodies of Lilith and Caleb have been found - minus their heads. They were not buried but were strewn about rather haphazardly all over what was once their yard. It was quite ghastly to say the least.
Mortimer is unfortunately also without his head. I have no idea of the whereabouts of Bella and her children. There is a lot of clothing strewn over the grounds of where the Goth house used to be. There are also clothes high in the tree branches. There were a few pawns of a chess set found, but everything else is gone.
Now brace yourself and be very brave. Vlad is dead. His torso remains, but his head, feet, and hands are all missing. There was evidence of a great struggle at his residence. The very ground has shifted and exposed all underground facilities. They are all that remain and will have to be burnt and destroyed.
I know that this is very hard for you to hear. But I am sure that your reality is safe. I am sure the Baroness will never cross over to your reality and cause you any harm or sorrow.
Now I am off to look for the Baroness. I built her an estate on an isle in Windenburg. I am off to look there. I know her house is full of horrible ideas and what remains of Angela Pleasant's sanity. But I shall be cautious. She also built herself a hidden bunker in Shady Acres Vista. She built it behind my back and buried it deep. But I found it, accidently, while following a blonde woman who is unknown to me.
Please know that my thoughts are with you, in these very trying times.
There is a great evil stirring in my reality. Moonwood Mill has completely vanished, except for a little cardboard sign on the side of the road that says Hello - but the o has become very faded, almost non-existent. I have a very uneasy feeling at the top of my spine.
I hope to speak with you soon.
Your dear friend,