The Lake
Comes the Cracking
And this is the happening, after the running.
After the fear of the unknown drove her from the lake.
After the presence of something she had not expected
swept over her in the darkness.
She ran until she fell,
and she fell upon the cold, hard ground.
No covering at all
for it had all been left behind.
No shoes for the journey.
No pants for the anguish.
No shirt for the wound.
Just a heart,
bleeding everywhere in terror.
A cold, hard heart.
Now bleeding in
multiple realities.
In the torment of the running.
In the pain of the fear.
She did the one thing that the lake never expected.
She remembered.
She remembered and she could see.
And she knew the Queen was coming.
And the King was ready to dine.
And she with open eyes
considered many things,
and then set in motion
a plan to open the way.
And now there would be two sharks, circling in the waters.
but only one would live.
And the Lake would be the one to die.