11 years ago
Decades Challenge
I've just started making and playing my decades challenge on youtube and the rules are too long for the description box. I figured here would be the perfect place to put them so I can link to them. ...
"ThraWalker;c-17810256" wrote:
If you would like to continue the challenge into 2020 I've come up with some rules.
2020: Roll a die for each sim that has a job.
Sims with odd numbers keep their job and even numbers loose their job. Anytime a sim gets home from work you must roll a die, even number: they're clean, odd number: the sim has been exposed to Covid and must feed the cow plant. Any Sims that have interacted with the exposed sim after getting home from work must also feed the cow plant. Children and teenagers are not allowed to go to school but must still complete homework. Any time a friend asks to come over you must say no. Sims may only leave the house to go to work. 2 days after the youngest childs birthday you can start receiving vaccines. Elderly sims receive vaccines first then essential workers then everyone else. When it is a sims turn for a vaccine roll the die odd numbers get a vaccine, even numbers wait a day and roll again. Once all sims have received their vaccines things can start going back to normal.