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dulcisvictoria's avatar
4 years ago

ENIGMATICS - A Supernatural Teen-Drama Comic [UPDATED 21-32!!]

Hiya! Happy 2021! I've decided to begin this year with a project that has been cooking on my mind for a long time: a comic based on my main game save. I present to you, Enigmati

In a world where supernatural and humanity live in an era of truce, Allie, an alien teenage girl, receives a peculiar invitation to join a group which purpose is to protect the unsteady peace between both worlds -- the Enigmatics. Now, she and her friends must find the strength in themselves to face the challenges that lie before them.

Updated links to the episodes at
episode 1episode 2episode 3episode 4episode 5
episode 6episode 7episode 8episode 9episode 10
episode 11episode 12episode 13episode 14episode 15
episode 16episode 17episode 18episode 19episode 20
episode 21episode 22episode 23episode 24episode 25
episode 26episode 27episode 28episode 29episode 30
episode 31episode 32

Please, follow the story on its Tumblr. Chapter 1 is almost done and on its way. Hope you like it!

  • I'm back! And oof I'm so excited that I have so many chapters to read at one go! I love binging manga. I hope you don't mind if I sometimes do binges on your story like this. I tend to do that with manga I subscribe to. It just makes immersion 100x better for me. :smile:

    Am I right to assume that Olga’s dad is involved in criminal operations? Just wondering because he works at night and the clothes he wears are looking highly like the in-game criminal branch clothing… Omg that would be epic~! And oof that uncomfortable silence after Allie asked her dad about how he and her mom were being treated at work.. talk about a whopping elephant in the room.. Kinda feeling sorry for them now. Maybe I’m overthinking. Owait. I’m not overthinking. Discrimination right after. Yikes.
    Ahaha! Allie’s idea inspired by a simray? Oh dear. This is going to be fun! :D

    I love the tension in this chapter. I can’t decide if it’s Allie overthinking things or her mom really does suspect her alibi. I’m so glad I don’t need to wait for next chapter to see how everything pans out!

    Daww their plan is so cute. I mean.. apart from there being chock full of holes and no plan B but here goes nothing! And lo and behold it worked! I love how you added your own bat mist and empathy power effects. Really ingenious and fitting of the cartoony vibe you got going. Is this your trade/study or is doing manga just a hobby for you? Either way I love the immersion. <3
    Oh and I love how you highlighted everyone’s abilities and how they suit their personalities, Olga = stealth, Allie’s emotional nature = empathy, ah.. I was right to think Bo was calming. I’m sure she can summon a thunderstorm but given the first power introduced of her was a lullaby, it kinda sealed my impression of her character. Yup, the girls are wonderful but I have a super soft spot for Bo now :joy:

    Woah! I did not expect Bo to have such a huge presence in this chapter! Loving it obviously! I think her commanding the conversation was for the best. (Not just because of her linguistic ability to do so) She has such a calming, unthreatening presence, her facial expressions are so friendly. I know she subdued them that’s why she’s able to get through to them. Might be a different story once they start becoming agitated again. But her manner of speaking to them is so gentle and worded in their benefit that even their hostility is put on a minimum. I can’t imagine Olga doing the talking for one.. (Or I can and it sounds disastrous haha)

    Btw how does her siren ability work? Does the lullaby ease all emotions to a ‘fine’/tranquil state and once the lullaby stops so does the effect, and thus the subject’s own emotions immediately take over but has to build up slowly? Or does it work like a spell in that the subject is put in a trance-like medium exhibiting a tranquil state, and only when the spell wears off does the subject’s emotions begin affecting them? Hehe pardon my nerd mode! And I hope that makes sense.

    Wait, Pallas followed the girls after all! Bo’s negotiation worked! D’aaaw! I was not expecting that. I love this development. Rofl Pallas’s silence when Bo said they can keep him/her safe. So obvious that they don’t want that.
    Reading to the end of the chapter, Pallas really didn’t want that. :joy: Also, I was also a little annoyed at Amgine for not warning the girls and Pallas that the publicized donation was obviously a trap intended to lure them out. I’m pretty sure even if he warned them, Pallas would still go for it, but as the only adult in this situation, it would’ve been nice if he gave the teens a heads up in case they weren’t able to foresight the donor’s objective.

    I wonder if Ms Galactica will have to save the day at the end or the girls will be fine on their own. I'd love either way. Both reeks of mega drama. :joy:
  • @mercuryfoam Welcome back <3 I don't kind at all! You should read however you please :p I myself love to binge.
    Olga's dad, Nicolae, sure is a shady man hmmm Allie's parents wouldn't want to worry her
    Thanks! I'm thinking off adding more of those 'fx'. It's just a hobby - one I love, so I try to put a lot of effort on it.

    About her powers: I want them to take actions that would follow their personality. I'm glad I was able to do so. :) :) And yes, Bo's powers can definitely cause some chaos, but she surely would't enjoy using them that way.

    Her lullabies put the subject into the desired state and they slowly grow out of it, going back to their previous state.
    In this case, Bo calmed down Pallas, putting them into a tranquil state. Over time, they would go back to raging. However, since Bo managed to put some sense into their mind, Pallas anger didn't go back 100%. Don't know if it makes sense... :D

    I mean, can you blame Pallas? How can three teenagers help you? :D A shelter, sure. But help, help?
    Mr. Amginè sure is letting the girls run wild... Tsk, tsk.

    They better wish not. Mrs Galactica, would come to the rescue but later on Allie would be eternally grounded. :D
  • @Hauk150 Thank you so much, and welcome <3 <3

    :D These girls are just waiting for trouble to happen...
  • @DeafSimmer
    :D :D :D Allie being the prankster here, instead of Olga... Bo dislikes it.
  • @DeafSimmer
    Lucky gals they are :D I can't wait to the reveal of who the thief is...