Forum Discussion

Saneksemoo's avatar
8 years ago

Include "Age customization option", like how with the transgender one.

I think can be fixed and arranged with a default tag place that's respective to their life stage. Towny teens would spawn with clothes that can help simmers distinguish them from older sims, and you could always remove the tag when when creating/changing your teen.

Children and toddlers should have variety and be able to choose teens, adults and elder clothes, but by default they should get a tag in cas that limits it to that extent.

This thing is basically like the principle of gender customization options. You aren't force to use, but it is optional. This would add customization/flexibility for players who want to put adult/ya/teen/elder clothes on children and/or toddlers. Teens and elder should by default get in their respective age tag in cas mode that limits the choice of clothing, but with the option to remove the tag at any time to expand the choices and overpass the limit. This would help simmers to distinguish them from the rest of the grown age groups. Of course, townies should still be limit based on the tag.