Forum Discussion

lisabeesims's avatar
6 years ago

Monthly SimLit Short Story Challenge

The announcement and first info:

Monthly Simlit Short Story Challenge: Announcement and Info

General Guidelines:

Please note that I have changed the blogging format for the challenge.

It is now all in an easy to find “One-stop shopping” Update.

Part 1 of this blog will present the upcoming monthly theme, banner links and challenge specifics for the month.

Part 2 will contain links to the previous month’s submissions and a link to vote in each category (veteran or novice). After the vote closes an update to this blog post will be made to announce the winners in each category.

New "theme" is announced on the 1st of every month. - Check the 2nd post for the current theme and the monthly details or any special rules/exceptions each month.

Submissions must be in the form of a "short story".

You have the whole month to write and submit your short story.

You can write your submission on your blog or on a forum thread.

To enter just post a message to this thread with a link to your submission for that month.

You can use any Sims from any and all Sims games for these challenges even if you already use them in another story.

You may write more than one story each month, but you must select only one for submission into the challenge. If you do write more than one, then the one(s) you don't pick for the competition can be entered into the Just For Fun section.

At the end of the month, we will all vote to pick a winner for that month. Voting will be open for 7 days after the end of each month. (The link to vote will be posted each time.)

YOU ARE ALLOWED - even encouraged to let their readers know that you are participating in the challenge ...

(Growing our skills AND our community IS the POINT of all of this)

BUT here is the caveat, your readers MUST read all entries and vote in accordance with instructions.  This instruction must be CLEARLY stated by YOU, the participant when your readers are informed.

Readers will be asked to vote for their top 3 choices in both categories (6 votes total).

Any vote received that does not contain 3 votes for each category will be thrown out.

Any questions please ask!


There is a FACEBOOK page for this challenge:

Monthly SimLit Short Story Challenge FaceBook Page

Blog Info posts:

Monthly SimLit Short Story Challenge Table of Contents

A link to our Twitter - MonthlySSSC

An invite to our Discord - Discord invite
(If that invite does not work let me know)

A personal note:

I am very excited to be involved with this and I sincerely hope that this will help bring Simlit down from the attic (where we store all our antiques) and out into the mainstream sims community (we have been cloistered away for too long).

I believe in mentoring new wordsmiths.

I believe in supporting experienced scribblers.

Most of all I believe in SimLit (reading is GOOD).

Getting top 3 is awesome BUT when Simlit wins we all do.

I will work hard but understand that the "job" of growing the community belongs to all of us!