Forum Discussion

adamclark83's avatar
5 years ago

More Interactions + Sexual Orientation Selection

Just a couple of things I was thinking while playing last night.

When you have a couple, you can select their lover and tell them to "Kiss" but what about an interaction that says "Kiss Me".

Also, I had one of my Sims try to hook someone up last night with another person and they immediately said "Well, she sounds like quite a catch. I'll introduce myself next time."

Now, someone pointed out that why does it seem every woman in this game is attracted to other women. I suggested this should be a selection so when my Sim Claire try to hook her friend Mina up with another woman, depending on Mina's preference her response should have been either:

(if likes women): "Well, she sounds like quite a catch."
(if straight): "Thanks, but I'm afraid I am not like that."