6 years ago
New building process for build/buy projects
Okay, so here's what I'm thinking:
Instead of going into build/buy mode and magically making a fully furnished house appear on your lot. Here's how it would work;
In build/buy mode, you would design your house as normal. Then, when you're finished you would have a button that says something like "Build This Lot."
Clicking "Build This Lot" brings up a summary screen of the construction including estimated time for completion, cost per category, total cost. There would also be three options; "Return to Build/Buy Mode," "Cancel Project", "Save Plans."
"Return to Build/Buy Mode" and "Cancel Project" should be self-explanatory so let's look at what happens when we "Save Plans."
Clicking on "Save Plans" takes you back to live mode but nothing has changed. So you click on the ground of the lot and a menu pops up with some options; "DIY," "Hire Construction Company," "Host a Construction Party," "Return to Build/Buy Mode," "Cancel Project," "Close Menu" and "Build Instantaly"
DIY: Brings up a summary again of how long it would take to build the lot by yourself at your current skill level.
If you choose to continue, you then start working on your new dream home. The fun thing about this option would be that if a neighbor wanders by, you can click on them and get the option "Ask to help with project" which will prompt them to consider the proposal, if their traits are aligned to do so, ie they have the good, active, friendly, etc, then they would agree to pitch in. If their traits are not aligned, ie snob, lazy, selfish, etc, they would respond negatively even to the point of frantically running away maybe. Lol Another thing they would consider is their own skill level and the size and scope of the project.
But let's focus on what happens if they agree to help, the time would be reduced based on their skill level, attitude toward you and general mood. Your relationship with them will be improved BUT introducing a new concept; lot quality. Over time the house will lose quality as it deteriorates. This means that holes may appear in the floor and/or walls, the roof may start leaking and so on. This leads to a new skill: CONSTRUCTION which I'll get into later. For now, suffice it to say that as your house begins to wear down, you can increase your construction skill by repairing those areas.
Hire a Construction Crew: So this option will bring up a menu of several construction companies that are bidding for your project. Here's how I see it: The companies would have three areas of information; Time Efficiency, Cost and Durability. Each of these areas would have an affect on the overall Satisfaction rating or something similar of the company. Again, houses do deteriorate over time but how much time would depend on the initial construction.
Host a Construction Party: This would be an interesting idea for having your friends come over, bring cold drinks (which would go in a cooler or something), order a pizza and get to work building it. With this option, you can even assign certain tasks to certain people, such as let's say there are 8 of you, you can assign two to work on foundation, two to work on flooring, two on walls and two on the roof. So as a section of foundation gets finished, the flooring crew would begin working on the floor, once they're done, the wall crew can work and finally once that section of wall is done, the roof crew. Again, this is just what I see in my head and can be changed however needs be or even removed from the general idea.
So now, what is this new skill and how can it be applied outside of building your dream home? Again, first it can be used for general repairs. Also introducing an new career!!! Own your own construction company!!! I'll post more on that in another thread.
So this is my proposal and I tried to make it as detailed as possible to get the picture in my head out! Obviously I don't expect it to be done exactly the way I've laid it out but it's some ideas on how it can be implemented.
As for buying new furniture, once you're ready, you order the furniture which will ship to your house in a couple days and then, you can have your sim move the furniture in by themselves (with help for bigger objects like beds, couches, the fridge, etc) or have the delivery company do it for you.
EDIT: Forgot to add the option when clicking on the lot to build the project instantly for those who don't want to wait.
Instead of going into build/buy mode and magically making a fully furnished house appear on your lot. Here's how it would work;
In build/buy mode, you would design your house as normal. Then, when you're finished you would have a button that says something like "Build This Lot."
Clicking "Build This Lot" brings up a summary screen of the construction including estimated time for completion, cost per category, total cost. There would also be three options; "Return to Build/Buy Mode," "Cancel Project", "Save Plans."
"Return to Build/Buy Mode" and "Cancel Project" should be self-explanatory so let's look at what happens when we "Save Plans."
Clicking on "Save Plans" takes you back to live mode but nothing has changed. So you click on the ground of the lot and a menu pops up with some options; "DIY," "Hire Construction Company," "Host a Construction Party," "Return to Build/Buy Mode," "Cancel Project," "Close Menu" and "Build Instantaly"
DIY: Brings up a summary again of how long it would take to build the lot by yourself at your current skill level.
If you choose to continue, you then start working on your new dream home. The fun thing about this option would be that if a neighbor wanders by, you can click on them and get the option "Ask to help with project" which will prompt them to consider the proposal, if their traits are aligned to do so, ie they have the good, active, friendly, etc, then they would agree to pitch in. If their traits are not aligned, ie snob, lazy, selfish, etc, they would respond negatively even to the point of frantically running away maybe. Lol Another thing they would consider is their own skill level and the size and scope of the project.
But let's focus on what happens if they agree to help, the time would be reduced based on their skill level, attitude toward you and general mood. Your relationship with them will be improved BUT introducing a new concept; lot quality. Over time the house will lose quality as it deteriorates. This means that holes may appear in the floor and/or walls, the roof may start leaking and so on. This leads to a new skill: CONSTRUCTION which I'll get into later. For now, suffice it to say that as your house begins to wear down, you can increase your construction skill by repairing those areas.
Hire a Construction Crew: So this option will bring up a menu of several construction companies that are bidding for your project. Here's how I see it: The companies would have three areas of information; Time Efficiency, Cost and Durability. Each of these areas would have an affect on the overall Satisfaction rating or something similar of the company. Again, houses do deteriorate over time but how much time would depend on the initial construction.
Host a Construction Party: This would be an interesting idea for having your friends come over, bring cold drinks (which would go in a cooler or something), order a pizza and get to work building it. With this option, you can even assign certain tasks to certain people, such as let's say there are 8 of you, you can assign two to work on foundation, two to work on flooring, two on walls and two on the roof. So as a section of foundation gets finished, the flooring crew would begin working on the floor, once they're done, the wall crew can work and finally once that section of wall is done, the roof crew. Again, this is just what I see in my head and can be changed however needs be or even removed from the general idea.
So now, what is this new skill and how can it be applied outside of building your dream home? Again, first it can be used for general repairs. Also introducing an new career!!! Own your own construction company!!! I'll post more on that in another thread.
So this is my proposal and I tried to make it as detailed as possible to get the picture in my head out! Obviously I don't expect it to be done exactly the way I've laid it out but it's some ideas on how it can be implemented.
As for buying new furniture, once you're ready, you order the furniture which will ship to your house in a couple days and then, you can have your sim move the furniture in by themselves (with help for bigger objects like beds, couches, the fridge, etc) or have the delivery company do it for you.
EDIT: Forgot to add the option when clicking on the lot to build the project instantly for those who don't want to wait.