Forum Discussion

Kealaa's avatar
10 years ago

Queen Bee Challenge

I just want to start of by saying that I did not create this challenge. This challenge was created by tacos4sims for the Sims 2. It was a challenge I loved doing in the Sims 2, as I've always loved playing around with genetics and seeing how similar/different the siblings may look from each other and which parent they would take after more.

I looked on the internet (at the time of adapting the challenge) to see if anyone had adapted it to the Sims 4 yet and I couldn't find one so I thought I would try and do it myself. Again, all credit goes to tacos4sims. I adapted rules to fit Sims 4 more and kept the scoring relatively the same.

The Challenge
You are tasked with populating your new neighbourhood/beehive by breeding 60 children/bees with 10 different male Sims/worker bees.

Before You Begin
• Create a new save.
• Your Queen Bee household will be the only household you play in this save game until the challenge is completed.
• Move in at least 10 male Sims into the various houses around the worlds. They can be game generated townies, Sims off of the Gallery, or townies that you create yourself.

Starting the Challenge
• Create a young adult female in Create-a-Sim. She can have any aspiration and traits you want. The hates children trait will add extra difficulty to the challenge.
• Your Queen Bee cannot be a vampire (as this makes her immortal defeating the point of the challenge) and may only become one after the challenge is completed, if you so choose. You may however have children with a vampire.
• Move her into a lot by herself. It can be any size of your choice.

• Your Queen Bee must move in a male Sim, preferably as soon as possible.
• The two of them cannot be married, the male Sim can only move in. He can however help care for the children, get a job etc.
• These two Sims will have 6 children together. Once the sixth child has reached childhood, the male Sim has to move out and must take all six children with him.
• No marriage until your Queen Bee has had all 60 children/bees and the challenge is completed.
• Potion of Youth and Essence of Life from a Cow Plant are allowed, and are needed to complete the challenge. Even in the completely random chance that you get 30 pairs of twins, each of those pregnancies are still 3 days long.
• You can try to influence multiples via. the fertility reward trait, massage tables etc.
• If you have City Living you can use the On Ley Line lot trait, which has potential to boost your chance of multiples. But if you're wanting more of a challenge I'd suggest not using this one as it's easily available.

• +1 point for each family of seven to move out.
• +1 point for each §100,000 in funds (round up).
• +1/2 point for each set of natural twins. (Be honest! If you are responsible for twins, then you do not get the bonus point.)
• +1 point for every toddler who gets all skills to level 3 (and unlocks the Happy Toddler reward trait when they become a child).
• +2 points for every toddler who maxes all 5 toddler skills (and unlocks the Top-Notch toddler reward trait when they become a child).
• +5 points for each skill reached to level 10 by the Queen Bee.
• +10 points for each career completed (reaching level 10) by the Queen Bee.
• +10 points for each Aspiration completed by the Queen Bee.
• -1 point for each child taken by the social worker.
• -5 points for any deaths in the Queen Bee’s household.

Ending the Challenge
• The challenge ends with the birth of the 60th child, and after the male Sim leaves with the family. Once you are done you can play this family and watch them take over the neighbourhood!

Share Your Sims
If you complete this challenge, why not share your Queen Bee's children on the Gallery. Use the hashtag #QueenBeeChallenge.

If you guys have any feedback and suggestions, or maybe you have a better hashtag and scoring to fit the Sims 4, I will be welcome to the suggestions.

-Added “+5 points for each skill reached to level 10 by the Queen Bee.” as suggested by @SummerFalls!
-Polished up the challenge a little bit.
-Updated scoring for toddlers.
  • Hi! I just read this challenge and I really do like it and I think I might attempt it once I get a few other challenges out of the way. One thing for the scoring I could suggest is giving points for every skill to reach level 10? I think that would work pretty well :)
  • Started this challenge today and my Queen Bee (Fallon Saldivar) has already secured her first work and is pregnant after one day.

    Doing a blog but still writing the first chapter before I release it.
  • Hi there! @SummerFalls :) That's a really great idea! How many points do you suggest for maxing a skill?
  • I may try this one. I like the idea that I get to kick them out once they're all kids, instead of having to wait til they're young adults like the 100 baby challenge :D
  • "MicemSims;14011609" wrote:
    Hi there! @SummerFalls :) That's a really great idea! How many points do you suggest for maxing a skill?

    I'd suggest 5 or 10 points since completing an aspiration is 10 points :)
  • "SummerFalls;14011868" wrote:
    "MicemSims;14011609" wrote:
    Hi there! @SummerFalls :) That's a really great idea! How many points do you suggest for maxing a skill?

    I'd suggest 5 or 10 points since completing an aspiration is 10 points :)

    I decided on 5 points. I hope that's alright! :smile: