I feel the alien occult doesn't get a whole lotta love on here. So I'd like to see what aliens you've created, whether you'd used CC or now all are welcome. I'll start here is one of my favourites! ...
I have an alien sim family in my game. Here's some pics of them:
This is Bob and Genesis Everyman, Bob (The one with the Moustache) was originally a human in some saves on my old PC, but turned him into an alien cuz they're my favorite occult in the sims. :)
They have a Kid too, Her Name is Constance Everyman. I nicknamed her Conni. She wears all pink bcuz that's my favorite color rn.
She's currently a teenager in my current save. I moved in some neighbors, they just so happen to have an alien child, This alien's (The one with the red hair) name is Constantine, His nickname is Stanny. He's Conni's Boyfriend and I ship them sooo hard. 😍