1.All my Sims stories take place in the future (with an alternative history on Earth) on another planet (Simterra). What do you think of the worldbuilding? Does everything make sense? What additional questions do you have about the world building?
I enjoy your worldbuilding. I find it admirable that you go these extra lengths to create a fictional world for your characters to live in. It’s very wholesome. I like that if I get confused about something, the explanation is there in the A/N.
2. I put little Author's Notes at the bottom of every chapter. Are they useful? Do you like them? Do they help clarify things from the chapter?
I love the author’s notes because they elaborate on the world. It’s very informative and explains a lot of the world and lore you’ve built. One thing I noticed is that it overwhelms me quite quickly. By the third chapter though, I found it immersion breaking and started feeling fatigued, so I created a system that works for me in that I would read the story first, Then after the end of each Arc, I’d read the Author notes. It means I’ll double back but it works for me whose thoughts scatter easily. It’s easier for me to process/focus on one thing at a time. Hence I was so impressed that you can create and continue multiple stories while I can only do one. :smile: I did think that if you were to create a page and consolidated the whole lore, world building astrological charts etc, and in your author’s notes provided a link to those information, it could work too. Though I also think this potentially makes the information likely to be glossed over, but it’s nice to know there is a page where everything is consolidated and easily referenced than going back a few chapters.
3. The chapters are broken into arcs. Is this helpful? Do you find the breaks natural? (sometimes I use cliffhangers)
I always had a different impression of Arcs. I assumed they meant a subplot of sorts, thus I think of your arcs as chapters instead. They are very helpful and the breaks are natural. I use cliffhangers too much so the frequency of yours is refreshing. :sweat_smile:
4. What is your initial impression of Kass, my main character/the protagonist?
Kass is dependable, responsible, caring, loving, patient and accomodating. (I am itching to add ‘over-’ to the word accomodating). She is also suspicious, cautious, and stressed. Because of her good qualities, everyone placed expectations upon her and she being the person she is, strives to meet those expectations. Personally however, she isn’t given much room for self-expression. The only person she’s truly herself around is Ayesha which doesn’t happen enough in the chapters I’ve read.
5. The first part of the story is most definitely slice-of-life with some elements of supernatural/fantasy and mystery thrown in. Do you like it? How is it similar or different to other slice-of-life stories you've read?
I’m not sure where the supernatural/fantasy comes in. Definitely mystery. Hmm, I’ve not read much slice of life to be honest, my story and the stories I’ve read are action and thriller based. The only slice of life I’ve read is yours, Duvelina and redemon’s. Reddemon’s from a guy’s pov and features a life of reform, Duv’s focused on quite a few characters each growing/struggling at their own pace while yours is mostly on Kass’s pov. I’d say because your story focuses on one person’s pov, the advantage is being able to dive deep into the character’s head and fleshing out her motives, needs and desires. It allows me to connect with Kass at a very deep level and want her to succeed in her endeavors.
6. Any thoughts on my writing style? The length of chapters? The pacing?
Ah I’m said and gushed so many times on all your stories. I love your writing style. For Kass’s story, I find the length just right between narration and dialogue. The pacing flows naturally and the length of chapters are easy to digest. I like that I do not need to look at pictures as your writing clearly describes the scene.