B & H lacking Supernatural Skills
I know I can't be the only one that had hopes to run a lecture or school for spellcasters or werewolves.... yet Vampires are the only ones to have "skills & hobbies"to teach. That's terrible! Anything that requires you to learn should be considered a skill because that's literally the difference between skill & talent... skill needs to be taught & talents are natural.
You've gotta learn magic & you def should be able to take lessons on rage control for werewolves. Maybe its because I know there's more people that i know who own Realm Of Magic over Vampires or use their spellcasters more . just can we include the other 2? Passing on magical knowledge should be a thing!! Passing down a family grimoire should absolutely be a thing..... it could be like how the recipe/cookbooks work. At least let me spellcaster mentor!