Businesses and Hobbies feedback and ideas
I just started playing the newest pack and while being able to make a business using the different hobbies is all good and fun but you guys could have been more generous on the hobby side since you only have one real hobby (pottery) in the game. Maybe you guys wanted to add more but you either didn't have time or was afraid inputting new code would mess up the game overall. Either way, I came up with four ideas and the best part is that it uses existing code from other packs and since this pack is all about cross compatibility, this shouldn't be too hard to implement.
1.Bird Watching- use the feather collection from Cats and Dogs and the Undersea Pictures from Island Living to create Bird picture collectibles. You can make it a 5 level skill with each skill letting you find new birds to find. The new item needed would be binoculars to find the bird and if found, you use your phone to snap the picture. Higher skill increases the chance to spot a bird. You can also use the binoculars to spy on nearby sims or stargaze.
2. Stamp Collecting- similar to postcard collecting and element collecting. You can get stamps from penpals off computers or collector sims like the ones in San Myshuno (Flea Market) and Ravenwood. You can also make a machine similar to the simicapsule machine from Snowy Escape.
3. New Card Game- Basically make VoidCritters from Kids Room Pack playable to everyone. Keep the mechanics the same except change the name to Castles and Chimeras and change the artwork for the cards.
4. Comic Books- A new type of Book with different styles similar to paintings. Certain styles will require higher levels of writing and painting. You can publish them like you do books, trade them like collectables or sell them in your business/sale table. You can also mail them and enter a comic competition and based on how well the comic is made you'll get money and a plaque congratulating you (and fame if you have Get Famous)
This was all I could come up with but I feel these would have helped make the title fit with the pack and added new gameplay for people. I just had to get it off my chest and if there is even the slightest chance that any of this is implemented, I will be a happy simmer.