Forum Discussion

gertie47's avatar
New Rookie
8 hours ago

Could we please have the ability to replace randomly generated townies?

Could Simmers be given an option, before we start a save, to "fill roles" with sims we want to have in those roles or to create "banks" of sims we want to have used in those roles (i.e. a bank of aliens, or a bank of single-parent families, or a bank of spellcasters, bank of uni students etc.). Could there be a system where the game could draw from those "banks" until it ran out (and we could refill it before that happened)?

Or even if there was an official tag, we could give sims in our tray, similar to the "lovestrucksingles" tag used for Cupids Corner. For example, I could tag all the aliens in my tray to be generated when the game wants aliens to be generated.

Most people feel that randomly generated townies are total jump scares.  

I know there are mods, but console users don't have this option. 

And frankly, if mods can come up with solutions, why can't those solutions be incorporated into the game? 

I have used MCCC to add tray sims, but it is limited in that it will create an elder in the body of a young adult or vice versa, etc. I have also used MCCC's copy/paste sim function with better results. 

But could this be something added to the game??

  • EgonVM's avatar
    Seasoned Ace

    I would like it as an option, but yeah.

    One thing I'd really want from this idea is the "fill roles" part. I have made a huge guide on how to make NPC sims, and one of the difficult things there are still location-based roles (bartenders, gym trainers, veterinarians etc), who need a specific lot defined to work in. Most of them you can get with luck through gameplay, but Moonwood Mill's bar and library always generate a new sim for the role and ignore pre-existing ones.
    Mods are the other idea, but we run into the same problem you've brought out: the console players.