Forum Discussion

AkumaSenshi96's avatar
Seasoned Newcomer
2 months ago

Cross purchasing

Years ago when The Sims 4 came out all I had to my name was an Xbox. Over the years I have purchased a good 70% of the dlcs available for The Sims 4. I am now in the possession of a computer able to run computer games. I believe that with 1000% certainty I am not the first person to complain about this and I know I won't be the last. I find it extremely ridiculous that you as a company have not implemented the ability to purchase the game and all its dlcs on one platform and if you so choose move to a different one, in my case Xbox to PC. I have spent close to 700-800 dollars which honestly made me cringe to even admit. The fact that I can't just simply link my accounts and download what I have already bought once is just asinine. Especially when you consider you guys canceled The Sims 5. Its just crazy to me! Rant over, for now.

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