Forum Discussion

ltlcactus's avatar
Seasoned Newcomer
2 months ago

Graphical Bugs in New Nursery Kit

I tried to publish this in the bug forum but for some reason, it wouldn't let me... so I'm posting it here.

I just got the new nursery kit and overall am very satisfied with it. The items are adorable, the swatches are beautiful, and there are enough items to do an entire room. I have noticed a few graphical errors though. 

Note: I play on max resolution, max visual settings, etc. and these problems still occur. I do have custom content, but nothing that would affect these items.

The first one is with the Lavish One's Clothing Rack. The shadows are wonky. There are weird square lines where there should be curved. It's the same whether there are items slotted on or not.

The next item has is the Wagon O' Wares. There are two problems with this item: wonky shadows and missing poles/flag at certain angles.

The shadows are not shaped to the carriage or animals. In the images I have attached, the blue circles show that the bars seen on the front of the carriage do not show in the back. These invisible bars persist in multiple angles, and the triangle flag also disappears in certain angles.

These glaring graphical errors makes this item basically unusable for me. I know it is only one item out of the whole kit, but that's one out of 24 items. This means that I paid about 21 cents per item. So I'm only getting $4.79 out of a $5 purchase. 

There is one more small issue I have noticed. None of the trashcans slot to the changing table that comes with the kit. Not even the diaper pail that comes with Growing Together (that's meant to work with all the changing tables)

  • ShiwaLevania's avatar
    Seasoned Newcomer

    Yes, I think these graphical errors are quite annoying.  Having the same issues. Another thing I've noticed is with the sloth plush toy.

    Beside these graphical errors shouldn't even exist if these items would coming with a free update, but we pay for it (and it's not the first kit with bad shadows! Quality in this kit is completely missing...