Forum Discussion

  • I really hope spellcasters can get an update but certainly wouldn't mind updates to other occults as well. 


    • add the colored skintones for all sims. We already have a blue and green in base game so why should purple and more shades of green and blue be looked behind as occult
    • Allow pointy ears and special eye colors for all sims. They should be disabled for random for all those strictly realism players out there but an optional possibility for those who want to use them. 


    • allow magic for children. At this point younger sims can't see, hear or smell magic. They have no reaction to magic at all. Spellcaster children used to at least have an idle animation in cas but that was removed. Imagine a child practice wand or a few child friendly spells they can learn
    • Magic lot trait : a lot trait that makes npc visitors behave like they do in the magic realm. It would be great if we could have another magic location outside of the magic realm, one that isn't trapped in eternal darkness 
    • Magic leyline lot trait. Just like the dark leyline with a random chance of a spellcaster baby. 
    • Give sims the option to interact with their familiars. Let sims pet them and feed them. 
    • How about a new spell every now and then. Perhaps some cross pack integration. 
    • Allow other occult life states to learn magic. It feels like a skill that should be available to all . Adding hybrids would be even better but this is the most needed of all cross occult abilities (in my humble opinion) 


    • a mermaid crib and tombstone
    • Give mermaids some additional powers or perks . They feel a bit shallow compared to other occults 


    • add a female body frame to cas. As they are completely covered in fur, a bump at chest height isn't exactly offending. Feminine werewolves deserve to be allowed to express themselves
    • Give players the option to create their own pack . Get together clubs excell at player customisation. Werewolf packs should be given the same love


    • add an alien suit for toddlers and infants . Constantly only wearing diapers doesn't feel right . Perhaps a few alien clothes for other ages as well. 
    • Add more alien assets to cas, for example some headpiecs that look like tentacles, or scales. 
    • Add an invention for a genetic resequencing to allow aliens to become human and the other way around. That way sims born as aliens can complete all aspirations
    • Allow sims/aliens to live on sixam 


    • please turn them into a proper lifestate: a permanent state that is still visible when rotating to another household
    • Allow them to create offspring through spores, just like in sims 2
    • Allow any (green) hairstyle to get a bit more diversity 
    • Give them more unique interactions to grow plants 


    • add a rain proof upgrade for servos. I understand that they aren't waterproof (swimming for example) but they should be able to endure a few drops of rain) this should be some basic cross pack gameplay 
    • Add a few additional servo outfits, not recolors but actually new shapes. You can look at sims 3 into the future robots for inspiration


    • update the alien masks to cover the entire body. Their arms and legs are partially covered to match the head, please let it cover the rest of the body as well. I know they aren't aliens but that way the costumes are more versatile to use outside of batuu. 
    • Allow the droids to act like droids outside of batuu. That way they would be a perfect companion for aliens or servos 
  • Redrogue60's avatar
    Seasoned Hotshot

    Werewolves - I think that Werewolves should look a tiny bit more scary

    • Can make their own packs 
    • Longer Snouts or at least I'd add the ability to play with that with maybe a slider
    • Elongated Ears or perhaps a slider for that 
    • I'd add NPC wolves in the forest that they can communicate with
    • Aversion to silver, so no silver jewelry
    • I'd add the black leather outfit the character Marsha wears in The Howling 
    • I'd bring back walking canes so that we can get one like the cane with the silver wolf head that Larry Talbot has in the Wolf Man 
    • I'd probably do something more with that metal box building 
    • If they haven't already placed it in game (I cannot remember) a "Smells like wet dog" moodlet after they shower
    • Fog 


    Vampires - The Vampires Game pack needs an ever so slight refresh

    Things I would add to Vampires themselves immediately if I were making decisions

    • Aversion to all-white horses. This not only a movie reference to Frank Langella's 1979 Dracula movie but it comes straight from lore
    • I would also add that Vampires are also averse to silver 
    • I would add "Dead but Delicious" moodlet as a reference to "What We Do in The Shadows" film 
    • I would add "Dark Greetings" as a reference to its TV counterpart 
    • I think Evil Vampires should make the decor flowers wilt if they pass by them 
    • Eclipsing Fog from Sims 3 would make its return as a learned power 
    • Turn into rats would as well 
    • If they ever introduce Burglars back into the game, when a Burglar breaks into a home that a vampire occupies the Vampire will attack, the burglar will lose, and the Vampire will get his plasma. Crime doesn't pay. 


    To Forgotten Hollow 

    • A Cemetery immediately. If one neighborhood needed a cemetery more than any other its this town
    • Fog would be an Update for this pack & Seasons 
    • I'd change the sound effects at night to hooting owls & screeching bats. Crickets at night would happen during summer. Daytime would be the crows cawing and the birds. 
    • I'd change out that lone grave by the lake with a grave you can find out whose it is and do things with. Also the one on the island 
    • Vlad's statue needs a plaque to read
    • It would be nice to feed pigeons at that park 
    • I think it needs a food kiosk open during the day.  Sell Hungarian food I think
    • I would replace the outdoor lights around Vlad's statue that shoot the light up like a spotlight but the same size as the ones already there. Vlad's state isn't adequately lit at night and I looked and we don't have light's like that in game yet Win-Win 


    Miscellaneous Vampire Game Pack Things 

    • I'd add Toccata & Fugue in D Minor to the song you can play on the Pipe Organ. I'd also add decor pipes for a cathedral or castle or haunted mansion. 
    • I'd add a bat house (just like a bird house) 



    • I'd refresh ghosts with a power set up just like Vampires & Werewolves  I'd call their power Spectrology


    Fortune Tellers 

    • I'd love so much to have the Fortune Teller career back have them as a bridge between the various Supernatural creatures 
    • I want them to have a bricks and mortar Fortune Tellers Tea House where they sell Tea but so all sorts of other magical things 
    • I want both the branches of the Career 
    • I want it to work with the Medium Skill 
    • I also want them to have a Divination Skill which utilizes any of these 
      • Aura Reading 
      • Palm Reading 
      • Star Charts 
      • Tarot Cards 
      • Tasseography
    • I want them to have their radio station back  
    • I'd love the caravan as an option for them to work out of it as a Rabbit Hole in places that don't have room for the full Tea House but I absolutely want the tea house 
    • I want the Fortune Teller to be able to make Wards and charms against the various occult creatures and sell them 
    • I want them to be able to do these additional things as well
      • Seances
      • Private Readings 
      • Hold Psychic Conventions 
      • Pet Psychic 


    Fairies - I know not here yet but these are some small things I'd make sure were in place. I'd set this up as a spiritual successor to Cottage Living 

    • Movies I would take inspiration from 
      • Fantasia (1940) 
      • Legend (1986) 
      • A Midsummer Nights Dream (1999) 
    • Fairies would have alignments Good vs Bad
    • Bad Fairies are called Spriggans 
    • Fairies would also follow (Somewhat) Paracelsus's 4 elemental Spirits 
      • Gnomes - Earth
      • Undines - Water
      • Salamanders - Fire
      • Sylphs - Air
    • Undines are basically Mermaids so Fairies would have an affinity for them 
    • Unicorns would be added to this pack and Good fairies would have an affinity for them too 
    • I envision Spriggans to be the fire based powers of Fairies representing destruction 
    • Good Fairies to me would have the Air or Earth related powers. I figured the variety would give a bit more flavor to Fairies. I'd take inspiration from Fantasia the Nutcracker Suite for certain particulars
    • They all still would have their powers of inspiration through auras as seen previously. Bad Fairies just inspire bad things   
    • Fairies would have two hidden lots 1 in Hensford and the other wherever 
    • They would also have the power to do Fairy Glamour 
    • They would all be tricksters  
    • As creatures if nature they do not feel the effects of the change in temperature 
    • Fairies would have faster skill gains in 
      • Singing 
      • Dancing 
      • Gardening 
      • Musical Instruments (All)
      • All of the Arts  
      • Charisma 
    • The Summerdreams would be back 
    • I'd bring back the potential for the King or Queen of the Fae 
    • Wings would still be customizable 
    • They would still be able to shrink to their sprite form 
    • I'm thinking they would come with body paint you can choose or special tattoos 
    • Their power set up would be just like Vampires & Werewolves 
    • Fairies will be able to acquire the Love in Idleness plant 
    • I'd utilize that hidden zone within that tree as a meeting spot for Fairies 
    • Free Will O' the Wisps would be seen on lots separate from the Spellcaster's familiars. 
    • I'd bring back Rock, Paper, Scissors & Skipping stones on the water (Both were in Supernatural)  
    • When Fairies Ice Skate they leave little frost trails behind them for a few seconds 


    Buy/Build Items for a Fairy Game Pack 

    • Build Pieces for a Gingerbread House 
    • Magic Mirror 
    • Magic Beans for the Beanstalk 
    • I think I'd add the Self Playing Harp and the Hen that laid golden eggs
    • The jellybean covered plant from Sims 3 Supernatural 
    • Flowers and leaf covered Hammock 
    • Flower and plant inspired furniture and plumbing 
    • Fairy Ring 
    • The little Fairy Houses 
    • Large Painting Door that can hide rooms like the secret panel bookcase. I've wanted this as an option for a while  


    New Harvestables for Fairy GP

    • Cucumbers
    • Dill 
    • Ghost Chili 
    • Love in Idleness Plant 
    • Red Toadstools - For magic 
    • Portobello Mushrooms 
    • Belladonna - For Magic


    New Food in the Fairy Pack 

    • Bubble & Squeak 
    • Christmas Plum Pudding
    • Elderberry Nectar (If you have Horse Ranch & Outdoor Retreat) 
    • Elderberry Pie (Same as above) 
    • Gooseberry Pie  
    • Grasshopper Pie 
    • Irish Stew
    • Pickling Vegetables & Fungus 
    • Tea Sandwiches in various flavors 
    • Toad in the Hole 
    • Trifle 
      • Black Forest 
      • Pumpkin 
      • Strawberries & Cream 
    • Welsh Rarebit



    • They are able to moan but not talk
    • They would shuffle as a walk
    • They try to attack any Sim they see for the most part and bite them
    • They absolutely will not tear up plants in this game 
    • They cannot woohoo or do much else
    • They are basically deceased animated Sims
    • Grim feels sorry for them but doesn't dislike them because he has already reaped their soul 
    • Thinks about brains all the time 
    • Are unable to enter locked homes or property if they have a locked gate 
    • Werewolves and Vampires are immune to them. Vampires are already deceased and Werewolves have their own curse to deal with 
  • I would make the werewolf heads larger. Right now they have these big, broad shoulders, but their heads look way too small in comparison. For me, it just doesn't look right on their bodies. 

    • hates_by_fanta's avatar
      Seasoned Traveler

      They could definitely improve the werewolf a lot. What we have now is very mediocre and too friendly-looking.

    • Mermaids should have a bassinet (I personally imagine a big shell with a thin layer of water for hydration needs)
    • mermaids and aliens should have more special abilities (and witches should be able to curse sims like the toad curse in sims 3 XD)
    • 'dark mermaid' should be a trait 
    • aliens should have different alien shapes to choose from (or at least things like horn ect. like atreya33 said)
    • I totally agree with atreya33 that servo's should have more shapes 
    • more cross pack interaction! one occult shouldn't be scared of another occult the way normal sims are. I'd love it if occults had opinions on each other, like ofc. werewolves an vampires have a dislike for each other but maybe all occult's feel slightly good around other occult's because they don't have to hide who they are or smth, everybody feels a little watched by having a ghost around and the occult's don't dislike mermaids but are like: best not to go swim with them though & every body feels weird around the aliens for example.
    • a trait or something for normal sims to not be scared of occult's (maybe like an automatic trait like 'acquainted with the supernatural' if they have occult family members)
    • occult hunter trait/life goal/job 
    • now I'm getting creative but: half occult trait for psychics and other 'more than mortal' sims (so simmers can make the addams family, frankenstein's monster or bigfoot or whatever, that don't really fit into any occult but aren't exactly human eiter, just like fater winter and the grim reaper)
    • and lastly: I would love to have more occults 😉 fairies, zombies, mummies, maybe some pet dragons?
  • thornwill's avatar
    Seasoned Novice

    Ghosts: Remove bladder, hungry and hygiene needs, Always floating instead of walking, and having their orinibal color more visible like Guidry or just the ability to choose the ghost's color instead of changing by moods.

    Aliens: More physical customization like anthennae, extra/less eyes, different noses, skin details, aspirations and clothes.

    Vampires: Other options to fullfil the thirst need rather than just plasma.

    Mermaid: More water powers ability (agressive included) and more physical customization like wrist scales, gills, finns (arms and ears), headpieces and facial features.

    Spellcaster: Custom magic colors, different spell casting animations for Untamed/Mischief/Practical magic, interactive familiars, occult form and ability to turn into other animals (at least for transportation like Vampires) 

    Skeleton: Use clothes, make-ups and hairs (wigs)

    Servo: (I don't have the pack so i don't know much)

    Werewolf: A bipedal monstrous walkstyle for their fury state and more features for their human side like body hair, beards, glowing eyes and fangs.

    Plantsim: For me that's not a plantsim so i'm waiting for actual plantsim, and i hope they bring everything from past games back.