Forum Discussion

Jilly3ean's avatar
4 years ago

Health Food Nut Lifestyle

My adventurous sim, just got the health food nut lifestyle, since they started as a rags to riches they could only afford the fridge and made a ton of salads which is how he got the lifestyle. However I find it weird that a lot of the new foods that come with Snowy Escape are not considered "healthy". I get that hot pot wouldn't be considered healthy (there's lots of oils and fats in it) but he didn't like avocado maki roll (which I consider healthy) and it gave him the wasted calories sad moodlet. I think that the foods that the game considers healthy need a bit of a tune up to include the foods from SE and CL cause a lot of those I would consider healthy eating options. Does anyone know what foods, that are NOT part of the health food nut cooking options, are considered healthy by health nut sims? So far I have found salad and pan fried tilapia to be ok. I don't want to always have to cook the health nut options as they make my sim energized and that buff is strong enough to cover other buffs, like inspired or focused, I want my sim to feel those too sometimes and not always energized from healthy foods.
  • Superfood Salad is considered healthy, carob coconut cake is not.

    Granola does not have the healhty food tag, nor have the vegetarian and seefood meals.

    I highly doubt that custom food has the healthy food tag applied - unless the modder expressly states so or the food has been created after the release of SnowyEscape and was cloned from a salad.

    I think that meals with fresh ingredients also count towards the health nut lifestyle, but I cannot prove that.
  • Moridhus's avatar
    New Spectator
    It is pretty confusing. I like the idea of a health nut lifestyle, and I tried to get it on a few sims, but it's confusing, because I have no idea what the Sims considers healthy.

    Even before the health nut lifestyle came out, I was confused about how some sims would get a bad moodlet from eating too many quick meals, when they ate healthy things like peas and yogurt. Because of that, I figured that health nuts don't like healthy quick meals, but there was no way to determine which of the other foods count as healthy and which don't.

  • What about grilled food like Baked Potatoes, Grilled Fish, Grilled Chicken and campfire roasted fish/bugs? What about high protein bug foods from EL?
  • "EmmaVane;c-17820908" wrote:
    What about grilled food like Baked Potatoes, Grilled Fish, Grilled Chicken and campfire roasted fish/bugs? What about high protein bug foods from EL?

    Haven't tried everything, but one entire family got the lifestyle from eating grilled fruit, pasta primavera and grilled chicken everyday.

    -edit- okay just noticed the date of the thread, so they probably updated it since.
  • You can have all the sushi you can eat! I have a few sims with this lifestyle. 🙂