Forum Discussion

stephiford's avatar
Seasoned Newcomer
4 months ago

All of my lots have vanished since the update!

Since the most recent update, all of my lots have vanished!

The strange thing is though... some of my families are in their lots still. The houses I've built for them are gone and the original houses (in game houses) are there.

Doesn't make sense! Can anyone fix this?

6 Replies

  • You mean the lots are empty now or the lots themselves aren't there anymore ?

    Could you maybe add a pic of what you are seeing ?

  • stephiford's avatar
    Seasoned Newcomer
    4 months ago

    My Practical Magic house was once here. It's no longer here. The family is also gone. 

    All of my builds are gone! 

    Also, the only families that I have are ones that I've saved. 

  • PixelWhims's avatar
    Seasoned Newcomer
    4 months ago

    The same thing was happening to me but this was before the September 18 update. All the lots are in map view but when I load in, it's empty. Also, one lot loaded but the house's doors, windows, and some furniture were gone.

    I also tested the save without mods and CC after taking these screenshots and the lots stayed empty and the one in the pics still looked like this.