Indeed, in the Game Options, I always leave data sharing disabled. And since the redesign of the in-game Gallery, I have also deactivated online notifications, since we are in the dark about everything anyway, we no longer have any notifications concerning new creations published by the people followed, nor to know if a written appreciation has been sent to us by another player, and idem a total vagueness regarding the downloads made by players on our sharing or if a player has newly subscribed to our sharing account. And in reality, I hardly go into the game Gallery anymore, I now consider it as a semblance of a storage cloud, and even if this semblance of a cloud was unable to recognize what was initially saved in the in-game library and displays numerous creations in three or four copies, and that it is then not really ideal to be obliged to load numerous lines of the same creations in duplicates to finally be able to find the creation that we wish to put back on a ground in play, but hey, it doesn't matter, we'll be satisfied with that!
I don't use the MC Command Center and Better Exceptions mods, and so I actually can't check if any errors or bugs during the game session were listed on their exceptions file.
I understand what you are explaining about LastExceptions files, the game itself without even having custom content, it can also present these kind of files listing errors in the game.
The game actually created a new LastExceptions file when I started a completely new game playthrough with a new Sim created in order to retest the game. This was the second file attached to one of my previous answers, but as you pointed out, this did not present any customer information and therefore could not be used to work on it.
In addition, my game part saves were always present in the saves folder, and the same for the files in the Tray folder. Therefore, I wasn't in vanilla mode at all during my previous tests, sorry. Disenchanted by the arrival of these problems in my game, I completely forgot that I first had to delete from the game all the files in the saves and Tray folders.
I see that I'm digressing again, I admit that I tend to elaborate a little too much, and sometimes even a little off topic too...
So, to get back to what interests us...
To try to find out what is happening, and possibly to be able to determine it thanks to new Lastexceptions files that would have been created, I therefore carried out tests on the game again today, there are 5 of them.
The test No. 01 was carried out without the presence of personalized content in game and without having reintroduced all of my save files into the saves folder, nor any files into the Tray folder. It was indeed a game part as if I was launching the game for the very first time. And I was connected to my game account ID on the EA app, and therefore also connected to the internet on the game.
- Before launching the game, I renamed the user folder to The Sims 4_old, in order to start again on a folder newly created by the game, and I also repaired the game again before relaunching it .
The observation was:
- Well in vanilla mode, no exceptions file was created in the user folder which had recently been recreated by the game.
- For the very first time since I added this new kit to the game, crystals and metals were finally detected by the game and then, this time they were clearly displayed in the window where they are offered when we make choices (Model, Crystal, Metal) to be able to create jewelry or cut precious stones. This gemology worktable seems to have been unlocked since the Sim was finally able to create jewelry and cut precious stones without any problem.
- I also noticed that at the level of the Crystal Artisan aspiration that I had planned in the CAS for this Sim, the action to buy a gemmology work table had finally been validated, whereas on my previous attempts this action was not validated at all although my selected Sim had purchased this work table.
- And on the crystal grid are currently precious stones and they are charging.
- At the level of the collections also there was a change, the three new crystals and the three new metals were finally registered, the game having finally recognized them as being acquired by the Sim for each of these two collections.
The test No. 02, it was carried out on one of the saved copies after having saved the newly created game part before using it to carry out my various tests, and I had reintroduced all the files that I usually use in the Mods folder, the same ones I cited above in a previous answer.
The observation was:
- Same as previously, this test 02 responded in exactly the same way as for test 01. And no exception file was created in the user folder.
- Test No. 3, it was carried out on one of the other copies of the newly created game part, and this time with the reintroduction of all the contents of my saves folder and my Tray folder. I had reintroduced all my game part saves into the saves folder as well as all the files in the Tray folder.
The observation was:
- As before, this test 03 responded in exactly the same way as for tests 01 and 02. And no exception file was created in the user folder.
Test No. 04, it was carried out on one of my game part saves, and this one launched without the presence of mods, only all of my other game part saves were present in my saves folder and as well as the files in my Tray folder.
The observation was:
- Same as previously, this test 04 responded in exactly the same way as for the three previous tests, everything works well with this gemmology work table, except that an exceptions file was created in the user folder. I am attaching it in the zipped file on this answer.
The test No. 05, it was carried out with the presence of mods, and with all the save files in my saves folder and those in my Tray folder.
- I launched one of my game part saves.
The observation was:
- Same as previously, this test 05 responded in exactly the same way as for the four previous tests, except that, as for test 04, a new exceptions file was created in the user folder. I also attach it in the zipped file on this answer.
There for the moment, all the features on the Crystal Creations kit seem to have been unlocked, the gemology work table finally displays the crystals and metals to be able to work on the creation of jewelry, and probably because I played in vanilla mode to start these 5 tests on the game.
However it turns out that playing on one or other of my game part saves, well this creates a lastexceptions file each time I launch one of these game parts during one and the same daily gaming session since the end of February.
Today, I allow myself to think that the cause of the problems that have affected me since the end of February would perhaps be the very last update of 02/27/24 for the game and the application of the E-Patch of 28 /02/24 which followed and which did not help me either, since the proper functioning of the last new official content added remained as is in my game, unplayable content. And the update of 03/06/24 which subsequently caused an influx of exception files in my user folder when I was launching one of my game parts during my gaming session that day.
Before the end of February, I had no problems with game malfunctions, nor with the addition of new official content for the game, and at least if I did, they were really minimal and located in the category of small bugs random issues that have affected some players since the release of this The Sims 4 game.
My problems arose after this famous update of 02/27/24, and since 03/06/24 there has been not only a permanent malfunction on the Crystal Creations kit in the game, but also the appearance of files lastexceptions, these listing errors involving personalized content according to you, while I carried out tests without any mod in game and also tested the game twice, each time creating a completely new game part with a newly created Sim to play on the world maps of the game itself, but it's true, an error on my part too, I was not really in vanilla mode for these two tests by starting again on newly created game parts.
Les deux fichiers en lien avec le test 04 et test 05