11 years agoHero+
[CURRENT ISSUE] Codes instead of text/ Blank text and bubbles
Update 2023/07/20
There currently seems to be issues for Horse Ranch and Steam. Please head over to this post if you are on Steam: [STEAM] [HR] Missing Text Strings
Update 19.6.2022
This iss...
- 3 years ago
If you're experiencing missing text with the High School Years DLC, and are unable to fix it through previous troubleshooting, you can try to place the appropriate string file for the language that you want into the proper folder.
For Origin:
\Origin Games\The Sims 4\EP12\For EA App:
\EA Games\The Sims 4\EP12\For Steam:
\Steam\steamapps\common\The Sims 4\EP12\I've placed string files for the High School Years DLC here if you need them:!AvxbRBU3iXGRgULJ6fTUH35E0yqv?e=6kZeKMIn the meantime, the team is still investigating this issue.