Event Based Gardening - The Bug and A Public Relations Based Solution
Product: The Sims 4
Platform: PC
Which language are you playing the game in? English
How often does the bug occur? Every time (100%)
What is your current game version number?
What expansions, game packs, and stuff packs do you have installed? All of the packs and DLC
Steps: How can we find the bug ourselves? Get to Level 5 Gardening, take a cutting, which may or may not be an option, take a cutting was not available in my last save. Graft a plant, and then try to graft another plant and grafting may or may not show up as a choice again, if it shows it, I tell my Sim to graft it and it doesn't work so I can't complete the gardening tasks for the event, and I was playing on 10/13/2024. and I can't research gardening now...
What happens when the bug occurs? I can't take a cutting even at Level 5 and I can't graft. In one save I could take a cutting only once, the rest of the time, cutting and grafting don't work at all. I click on the computer, do Web...Research, and it says Research Gardening not Research Grafting
What do you expect to see? Having a cutting in my inventory and have the ability to cut and graft more than once.
Have you installed any customization with the game, e.g. Custom Content or Mods? Not now. I've removed them.
Did this issue appear after a specific patch or change you made to your system? No
I have two Sims, both are Gardening Level 5 and I have and/or combination issue with cutting and grafting. Sometimes I can cut, sometimes I can cut and graft but only once. The prevailing situation seems to be: being able to cut and graft only one plant. Dd I do something wrong or is it a bug?
- You cancelled Sims 5 - "Project Renee" Whether you liked the idea or not, Probably wasting ALL of the money you get from Sims 4 - It makes me wonder where my money is going now, I thought they'd be using a lot of it for 5. I guess it's all going to FIFA games now. If you want Sims 4 to stay on top of the simulation game genre, you need to hire people who know their way around buggy code and possibly a rewrite of the code in such a way that new and different systems can be added or improved upon.
- Releasing Get Famous with missing toilets
- Releasing Realm of Magic with missing roof textures
- Releasing High School Years when your Teen Sim can't raise their grade unless you send them alone on Fridays - Totally ignoring the fact that HSY is supposed to be an active school pack - I stopped playing for a whole year because of this bug. I spent my birthday money on this pack because I preordered. I could have spent those $40 somewhere else but EA has a no refunds policy for DLC, only base game, so they're getting our money regardless. The bug they fixed was Sims not taking the exams at school. It said nothing about the fact that they have to go to school alone on Fridays or their grade won't go up.
- The Detective Career is still broken
- The My Wedding Stories debacle
- Only getting that ridiculous Hot Tub for an anniversary
- Totally ignoring Sims 4's 10th Anniversary
- 10 years - No cars, no burglars
- Adding devices for people with disabilities, and yet - No wheelchairs
- Saved the Best for Last - It took you TEN YEARS to figure out that ALL of the libraries should have skill books - No Joke: I cried when I read this fix because I was so happy! Honorable Mention: Leaks that are 99.99% not leaks. If a company had as many "Leaks" as EA, they'd be more concerned attacks on their systems and people's accounts. I think EA knows that their "leaks" are advertising games early and get Simfluencers talking and therefore they get their audience talking about it as well. No offense to Sims YouTubers at all. You are my source of entertainment much more than regular TV.
- @PurpleSweetTart
To 'Research Grafting' you have to click a plant, then the option wiil appear.