Forum Discussion

georgeandjudyca's avatar
5 years ago

freelance paranormal investigator.

How do you find lots that need to be investigated?  In the sims3, they would send (guide) you to various haunted lots.  That was the ghost hunter profession.    I don't see any clues, no way to repor...
  • Marinuttonen's avatar
    5 years ago

    It's a frelancer career, you join the same way you would join a freelance painter career (find a job -> freelance -> paranormal investigator). Then you can take one job per day of three dificulty settings, starting at 9:30 pm and ending at 6 am.

    When it begins the game will ask if you want to join or let them go on their own.  If you join it will automatically take you to randomly generated haunted lot that can be any of the lots in the game with people living in it.