Forum Discussion
From the Map overview screen, mouseover your house then click the "..." button to get more options. Choose to Move Out Household. Then click on the house you want to move to, and you'll get the option to move in. You might need to evict the tenants first, and you might need to have more money to afford the move.
- Anonymous11 years ago
that response was actually incorrect, thats how you move houses in Sims 3. i clicked the "..." button in Sims 4 and theres no option for moving to a new household. I'm still trying to figure out how to move.
- crinrict11 years agoHero+
Phone or household manager, depending if you want to move out the entire family or just parts.
Google for tutorials on how to split your household via household manager.
- 10 years ago
That's what you do in Sims 3. I can't figure out how to do it in Sims 4.
- Anonymous8 years ago
same here bruh.
- Anonymous8 years ago
No, the response is actually correct. I'm afraid he just worded it a bit differently. First, click on your sim's current lot and then at the bottom right corner you will see the three dots and the option to move out household.
- 6 years ago
Thank you, this helped me
- 6 years ago
in the sims 4 i’m trying to move some sims to a house that says “residential” but there’s no dots next to it like there are with others. the only houses that have the dots text to it are ones with other sims living there and when i move those other sims out the dots go away
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