Merging housholds impossible
Hi, I wanted my Sim's fiancé to live with him. My household currently has 6 Sims (5 humans and 1 cat). The fiancé, however, has 2 cats. And that's a problem, because the cats can't live alone, but also can't both live in my household. Is there a way to solve this? Some kind of workaround, or something?
OK, so, I actually solved my issue. I went to Manage Worlds, found my Sim's fiancé's household, moved the cats into another family (I hope Goths will take good care about them, better than they did about Cassandra, who died in this gamepelay 😮) and then, finally, asked the fiancé to move with my Sim. Now, they are happy together. Thanks to everyone's help. Turned out I should think more about this before asking. But maybe my problem will help someone else in future facing similar issue.