Poorly Decorated
'Poorly Decorated'
Please explain why you thought this would be a good idea? Now I have to go through every item in every room in every house for every character to see what it is that is bothering every sim.
also, why does every patch, disregarding just how difficult origin makes it patch successfully anyway, come with some game ruining feature like this introduced?
and yes I've unticked 'Build Mode Items Grant Gameplay Effects' all my sims are all still thoroughly unhappy and so am I.
Thanks for ruining my game on a monthly basis. Can we please, for the love of all that is holy, have an option not to patch.
@hotdog0305, @sextonlovecraft , @_savannahid14_ , @LadyDarkSorrow , @b34r3y , this has been reported on the Bug Report section. So, if you haven't already done so, please go here: https://answers.ea.com/t5/Bug-Reports/UNSURE-Beautifully-decorated-moddlet-broken/td-p/9186877
and click on the "Me Too" button on the first post and then add your experience at the bottom of the thread! 😇