Forum Discussion

Danigirl8526's avatar
3 hours ago

Reaper Rewards - Unable to summon Reaper

How do you contact someone have the Reaper rewards fixed, this is absoulutely ridiculous to have events come out to lure people to play thier games, only to find out is a false advertisement? I am so disappoint I invested money in the Sims 4.  

Reaper Rewards is my first event and have seen the number of issues people have had with this game play. I myself have been unable to do so as well. 

I am unable to get past event complete the first weeks tasks as "Summon The Grim Reaper" is a load of basic crap and does not work, it does not even appear. I have no mod, I have tried since the release day. 

If a company wants to lure you in to play an Expasion they should probably make sure event rewards actually works. I have spent hours trying to summon the Grim Reaper with the rewards object, NEVER shows up. This is a load of false advertising. I am wasting my time playing a game with the promise of these "rewards" and they want me to spend $40 to by a new expansion they are coming out with? They are can't even get a quest set to work, how do they think they will be able to get the actual expnsion to work. 

I am at my wits end trying to get this to work. I will not give me any other quests until I summon the grim reaper and after 2 weeks I do not see that happening. I am beyond annoyed with this and there is no where to contact them about this to have to it fixed. 

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