Forum Discussion
@simsplayer818 , "Hell hath no fury like a GNOME scorned!" 😱🤣🤣🤣
So, not only were all your Sims in a bad mood from the fire, and you had to pay to replace burned object, you also missed out on the Acheivment points that you would have recieved had you completed the Gnome task! 😥 No wonder you turned them off! 😅
You can do a few test runs with the things I mentioned in the other post to see how well it goes. 😊
It's the creepy way they randomly disappear and reappear around my Sims, (ugh, shudders)! Even the paranormal spirits are less creepy.
- PugLove8882 years agoHero
@BylineBelife That is a wonderful idea!🥰 While I'd personally prefer all the plants, for those that hate gardening, hate opening all the seed packets, or who live in a small apartment, this is a fantastic way to deal with all the extra seed packets! 🥳
@simsplayer818 I do recommend giving it a try. If you want, you can look for an online picture of which Gnome likes which item.
I never consider them creepy because they were just magical, like elves or fairies. (I don't like seances, so I've never played that game mechanic in the Paranormal SP, despite my owning the pack. I did mean to at least test it out, but kept putting it off.) But the teleportation of the Gnomes reminds me more of Star Trek, to be honest! 🤣 The Gnomes make Harvest Fest my favorite holiday in TS4! 🧙😄- simsplayer8182 years agoHero
@PugLove888I have only got my Sim to do a few séances just because I wanted one paranormal investigator Sim and because a player had a question recently on another thread. I'm very easily spooked but it's not so bad, just quite buggy for me currently. The thing I like about it is you have to hunt the house for creepy relics and they can be hard to spot until you see one and then it's "Aargh! There's one, yikers! Quick smash it!" I should be more grateful for seed packets after finding creepy dolls and hands on the floor!
That's a great tip about the Gnomes likes. I will give it a try. I will not be telling my gnome collecting bff next door as I'll never hear the end of it. True story, as I'm doing a winter reorganisation of my house I found myself staring at the collectable gnome she bought me just to annoy me! It's in my house staring at me and it's rude to throw it out! 😤Edit: I gave the gnomes another chance lol. Two of them were happy with my Sims but one was not...with entertaining results. He had himself a merry little rampage 😂. I grabbed him and put him in my Sim's inventory then sold him to get my own back.
- PugLove8882 years agoHero
@simsplayer818 , Yes, the 3 gnomes in the traditional gnome clothing all like coffee, as do the one in the black hat and the one in the briefcase (think of the briefcase gnome as going to work and in need of coffee!).
The bear, the Grim Reaper, and the swimmer all prefer pie
Bunny gets salad (for obvious reasons)
Ghost gets fruitcake (think the Ghost of Christmas Past/Present/Future and Christmas fruitcake)
Gnome in box gets a toy (think of a Jack in the Box toy)
Alien gets a Future Cube (because sci fi and aliens are often set in the future)
But I love the way you dealt with the angry gnomes! 🙌🥳🤣I think the Paranormal stuff is much more creepy than the gnomes! Just pretend the Gnomes are on Star Trek and are getting beamed up! 😉
My Sister in Law doesn't like gnomes, and when she was being mean to my husband many years ago, I jokingly suggested leaving a gnome outside her front door. We never did it though, as we didn't want to seriously cause her upset.
If you want to maybe alleviate the anxiety over gnomes, you might want to watch the French movie Amelie! It features a gnome that is a source of joy! (It's not a kids movie, though, but it is very charming and heartwarming!) 🥰
But I kind of think it is funny when the Harvest Fest Gnomes get upset! It doesn't do any real harm and gives me a bit of a laugh! I still think it is funny how you punished them though! 🤣
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